
Moved PVP Rank and Arena lines to their own functions in PluginLuaTexts, calling the new functions in our lua code. 1 line vs 15 lines repeated thrice.

Author Scott Sibley <ssibley@gmail.com>
Author date 2011-06-21 05:29:37
Author local date 2011-06-21 05:29:37 +0000
Committer Scott Sibley <ssibley@gmail.com>
Committer date 2011-06-21 05:29:37
Committer local date 2011-06-21 05:29:37 +0000
Commit e6386647455d1dc7dfd95b43672dbd2f76f4f2bd
Tree 435b9982fa7271872d52c850ccf489a71a3cc85d
Parent e8dcc61db13c9440735b1466e888a73e24709c3c
Moved PVP Rank and Arena lines to their own functions in PluginLuaTexts, calling the new functions in our lua code. 1 line vs 15 lines repeated thrice.