
Added missing spell-only enchants to the stat list

Author Kevin Lyles <kevinlyles@gmail.com>
Author date 2011-06-18 00:13:36
Author local date 2011-06-17 19:13:36 -0500
Committer Kevin Lyles <kevinlyles@gmail.com>
Committer date 2011-06-18 00:13:36
Committer local date 2011-06-17 19:13:36 -0500
Commit e945622477a642731e8567b131de213c23e3bfa7
Tree f16e4f0c03204484c56f0b950d5d526cf03a70e0
Parent 23a6bdb5565ed41d89193fc948981589c39f2b94
Added missing spell-only enchants to the stat list
Updated version to 1.5r2