
27: Garrison Commander UI has a Glitch

Author Alar of Runetotem <alar@aspide.it>
Author date 2019-08-04 18:09:02
Author local date 2019-08-04 20:09:02 +0200
Committer Alar of Runetotem <alar@aspide.it>
Committer date 2019-08-04 18:09:02
Committer local date 2019-08-04 20:09:02 +0200
Commit ecafd1d8a15d16172fabbf1f266ee23ee1aeccfa
Tree e9ec3d3131548f5913c255bb866122abc3f865f2
Parent a15a675824161b38c32f8e2565495ec6644d099a
27: Garrison Commander UI has a Glitch

Task-Url: http://github.com/alarofrunetotem/GarrisonCommander/issues/27

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