
Changed categories and stats to be a tiered list, collapsing will be next

Author Kevin Lyles <kevinlyles@gmail.com>
Author date 2009-10-10 20:05:44
Author local date 2009-10-10 15:05:44 -0500
Committer Kevin Lyles <kevinlyles@gmail.com>
Committer date 2009-12-02 22:31:03
Committer local date 2009-12-02 16:31:03 -0600
Commit f74884aafed495429422d5cebd407d1cea37637c
Tree 592cb9117552a85f5c9d1b294dfe6b3ecfc92d45
Parent 4bd8beba2d65348f39fbef72b269b309bd1a8469
Changed categories and stats to be a tiered list, collapsing will be next