
Added a line for showing achievement points.

Author Scott Sibley <ssibley@gmail.com>
Author date 2011-05-18 09:33:31
Author local date 2011-05-18 09:33:31 +0000
Committer Scott Sibley <ssibley@gmail.com>
Committer date 2011-05-18 09:33:31
Committer local date 2011-05-18 09:33:31 +0000
Commit f951383efd9527193a8500358e4d893a8dd1d6db
Tree a295521a65e37f0d84a65b8e0f03f9c3f541d1fd
Parent 46448159cf13b68e9afcf28140207e04ea2e1242
Added a line for showing achievement points.
Also, you can retrieve a fairly raw table of PVP and Arena stats. Grab it with UnitPVPStats(unit). This function is entirely untested, so please report bugs. Please refer to PluginTalents for table format.
Also, there's another function added: CalculateArenaPoints(teamRating, teamSize)
No new lines were created for UnitPVPStats and CalculateArenaPoints.