
Gestures now have a minimum gestures configuration.

Author Scott Sibley <sisibley@gmail.com>
Author date 2011-08-03 02:24:55
Author local date 2011-08-02 21:24:55 -0500
Committer Scott Sibley <sisibley@gmail.com>
Committer date 2011-08-03 02:24:55
Committer local date 2011-08-02 21:24:55 -0500
Commit fba6b39d4be0ee6fb4d3bd52ba23270d741bfc65
Tree 06d96a2bdd81f131a13e9533ac59217681055831
Parent e9781151782f03a9fd6436765cce5a15ae3361de
Gestures now have a minimum gestures configuration.
There's a new gesture called Draw. It just serves as an example of how to format gesture functions. Note that stopFunc is handled by WidgetGestures by default, and is what handles configured gesture motions.