
Fixed wrong Mass Prospect ID - SpellID pointed to Effect instead og actual spell

Author Ino Bertelsen <cybernami@gmail.com>
Author date 2019-01-13 05:48:06
Author local date 2019-01-13 02:48:06 -0300
Committer Ino Bertelsen <cybernami@gmail.com>
Committer date 2019-01-13 05:48:06
Committer local date 2019-01-13 02:48:06 -0300
Commit fe8b4f41d02efd03838399902ff398366315a332
Tree 2528bc2d56aa27033fbc31eb6498adfd48e8be23
Parent 4f7fa9e7f2b58a356a6ae6d44d4c5a0a727c0307
Fixed wrong Mass Prospect ID - SpellID pointed to Effect instead og actual spell