
In 4.1, there were 4 cooking recipes brought out of retirement and 2 that were brought to the horde side

Author mike <mike@broinitup.com>
Author date 2011-04-27 01:24:12
Author local date 2011-04-26 21:24:12 -0400
Committer mike <mike@broinitup.com>
Committer date 2011-04-27 01:24:12
Committer local date 2011-04-26 21:24:12 -0400
Commit 124ed3ec04da31e2f13c978e72a9a915c18604f6
Tree ec696f119a7e3e87ac8b6a7e7f6985183e060332
Parent 53c0d7aba416ad9580e15b7130d80db4b2896049
In 4.1, there were 4 cooking recipes brought out of retirement and 2 that were brought to the horde side