
Apparently "Jeweler's Emerald Monocle" changed to "Jeweler's Amber Monocle" and added Punisher's Band

Author mike <mike@broinitup.com>
Author date 2011-04-27 01:25:22
Author local date 2011-04-26 21:25:22 -0400
Committer mike <mike@broinitup.com>
Committer date 2011-04-27 01:25:22
Committer local date 2011-04-26 21:25:22 -0400
Commit d7a3e06ff814d58797cbb3677e3702d6972156b8
Tree 75c680b7a3e82f6995cb329eb618e77ad62956c3
Parent 42a5a54f0eb0f69f0f6425b2301e63e631787fd6
Apparently "Jeweler's Emerald Monocle" changed to "Jeweler's Amber Monocle" and added Punisher's Band