
fixed auto equiping items received by greed. Equip logic changed that rewards with itemlevel lower thatn already worn by player are not getting swaped

Author Alex Shubert <spamme@not.ru>
Author date 2012-09-11 19:57:11
Author local date 2012-09-11 23:57:11 +0400
Committer Alex Shubert <spamme@not.ru>
Committer date 2012-09-11 19:57:11
Committer local date 2012-09-11 23:57:11 +0400
Commit 9b6c732b7fd31c0d19c1222a3b46ab6f1505237b
Tree e8256ccec4bca02b2364dd2cc081e1ee404155f4
Parent 13b7bc186b7b25a96a74658cc39e640ae57abbe7
fixed auto equiping items received by greed. Equip logic changed that rewards with itemlevel lower thatn already worn by player are not getting swaped