
Added an option to display faction icons next to player names.

Author Xruptor <xruptor@manaflux.com>
Author date 2018-07-24 02:04:29
Author local date 2018-07-23 22:04:29 -0400
Committer Xruptor <xruptor@manaflux.com>
Committer date 2018-07-24 02:04:29
Committer local date 2018-07-23 22:04:29 -0400
Commit 1333999ccfb62f1e589c9745ae977d17d33f4aaa
Tree b133b4053ef91b58a47fb0a32dfb2697d2297cb4
Parent 883e7369574b1909750c393721a095592b34388b
Added an option to display faction icons next to player names.
Fixed an issue where the checkmark were being displayed for characters with the same name on multiple realms.