
fixing TradeSKillFrame = nil

Author Ignifazius <curse@trollstar-gaming.de>
Author date 2015-09-03 21:29:20
Author local date 2015-09-03 23:29:20 +0200
Committer Ignifazius <curse@trollstar-gaming.de>
Committer date 2015-09-03 21:29:20
Committer local date 2015-09-03 23:29:20 +0200
Commit 47ec73e7e3d59313e0f5324eb6c61dc5cb31a5fe
Tree abe989769df5ef4d2f191011fcf095eb6ff306fb
Parent 2257d19666e2402bcee3a06a1820c020f1a5354d
fixing TradeSKillFrame = nil

it seems, if you haven't opened the profession window, the TradeSkillFrame
simply doesnt exist. If you found another item with ID = 0 this would case
a lua-error, saying the TradeSkillFrame is nil. Solution: just check if it
is already there. IMPORTANT: first check if nil, THEN check if visible