

Author Xruptor <xruptor@manaflux.com>
Author date 2011-12-10 19:48:24
Author local date 2011-12-10 14:48:24 -0500
Committer Xruptor <xruptor@manaflux.com>
Committer date 2011-12-10 19:48:24
Committer local date 2011-12-10 14:48:24 -0500
Commit 4d4365bd1190d9540e90845c251056256db46d68
Tree 147a428d858c7493291daa7f87e22e817b2c224b
Parent d9ea272af648715071e7215228fb1890a03bd70c
-Removed secondary auction house check as it was no longer required.
-Auction house items will be triggered by expired checks only after a user places an item for auction.
-Auctions will now be updated on each visit to the Auction House.  This is done to keep consistency throughout the data.

-Added ability to track Auction House items. System to remove expired items was also implemented.
Note: It's still best to check the auction house often while this feature is enabled. This way the data is up to date.
-Added ability to save professions throughout all your characters. You can now view and link professions from all your characters!
-Completely restructured the addon and converted some functions to local ones.
-Changed color coding for Professions. Green = linkable, Blue = not-linkable
-Reworked how the void storage is checked.
-Added an option to display the modified tooltips only in the BagSync Search winow.
-Added another check for expired items. Two is better then One!
-Added new Blacklist Window. You can now blacklist items by itemID.
Note: these items will still be added to the database. They just will never be displayed in the toolips.
-Revamped the Profiles Window.
-Removed tekKonfigDropdown library as it was no longer needed.
-Updated the localization to reflect the new changes. Also added some more localization where it was required.