
-updated profiles window, you can now delete the info on the currently logged in character.

Author Xruptor <xruptor@manaflux.com>
Author date 2011-11-20 21:44:59
Author local date 2011-11-20 16:44:59 -0500
Committer Xruptor <xruptor@manaflux.com>
Committer date 2011-11-20 21:44:59
Committer local date 2011-11-20 16:44:59 -0500
Commit cd30c2b13fd94cf788cab7f54ce5879af75cf8d6
Tree 784f7e7dd68b07157c48dce69ca38fac3028a5db
Parent 7f7837a9ee04fd74cd6a15a31eeb1f70f80be268
-updated profiles window, you can now delete the info on the currently logged in character.
-fixed a bug in the search window that was sometimes treating gold value as an item.
-optimized search window, tokens window, and profiles window a bit.
-changed the way gold, class, and faction is stored in the db.
-fixed a slight bug with faction info not allowing certain characters at time to show
-removed obsolete keyring stuff from addon
-optimized fixdb a lot, removed irrelevent crap that wasn't needed anymore.  now removes old keyring information.
-fixdb should now properly update db if the guild name has changed, granted the information will be removed but can be replaced with new guild information.
-Optimized the core bagsync code a bit.
-A guild check will be performed now if a user switches guilds, leaves a guild, or changes a guild name.  Note if switched guilds old guild info will be removed.
-NOTE: Due to some changes to the DB, you may have to login each character to update to the correct data.