
Make sure the player has any of the currency

Author Adrian L Lange <adrianlund@gmail.com>
Author date 2014-09-15 00:58:13
Author local date 2014-09-15 02:58:13 +0200
Committer Adrian L Lange <adrianlund@gmail.com>
Committer date 2014-09-15 00:58:13
Committer local date 2014-09-15 02:58:13 +0200
Commit a0f16a3794f4bd2ea1c06fb986d3e661639906e3
Tree f61592f0bb52d2257568c48d7619b36d8b938e7f
Parent 0695b5a3e3ad2ad08d2ea4e7688c74228e75630b
Make sure the player has any of the currency