
Made the shopping list appear when merchant and bank windows are opened.

Author pschifferer <dm@critical-failure.org>
Author date 2009-10-25 14:33:08
Author local date 2009-10-25 14:33:08 +0000
Committer pschifferer <dm@critical-failure.org>
Committer date 2009-10-25 14:33:08
Committer local date 2009-10-25 14:33:08 +0000
Commit 6374ba285dab745e724d992709eede62c18a0663
Tree 3080e7e6e9ea2f0753f59ade3e8741048888dc68
Parent 19d2905388c03960a6b23cab963379bf1c338b73
Made the shopping list appear when merchant and bank windows are opened.