
Fixed an issue where a reagent map entry was being initialized with a null index value.

Author pschifferer <dm@critical-failure.org>
Author date 2009-11-04 04:10:20
Author local date 2009-11-04 04:10:20 +0000
Committer pschifferer <dm@critical-failure.org>
Committer date 2009-11-04 04:10:20
Committer local date 2009-11-04 04:10:20 +0000
Commit d530de6603924536100656d2b062dcd732c3df3e
Tree efa6f68e54b6fc86e74b9bd92b3239b099b5ae23
Parent 73efaaa87070d573879e513c2fb1734dfedc5f14
Fixed an issue where a reagent map entry was being initialized with a null index value.