
Hide the bindAlert if the spellbook frame isn't open

Author James Whitehead II <jnwhiteh@gmail.com>
Author date 2010-10-15 20:27:19
Author local date 2010-10-15 21:27:19 +0100
Committer James Whitehead II <jnwhiteh@gmail.com>
Committer date 2010-10-15 20:27:19
Committer local date 2010-10-15 21:27:19 +0100
Commit 850d93466ca168004d224e27aeccce496d69b76d
Tree 5db95cc377a98695b85f1c6f0bfb55123a220f28
Parent 85ef7a8b30a54e9506df52ba706acc554f2785c6
Hide the bindAlert if the spellbook frame isn't open