
Presence is suggested out of combat or if no target present.

Author Taracque <taracque@taracque.hu>
Author date 2012-09-06 09:43:26
Author local date 2012-09-06 11:43:26 +0200
Committer Taracque <taracque@taracque.hu>
Committer date 2012-09-06 09:43:26
Committer local date 2012-09-06 11:43:26 +0200
Commit 7b7b9198592dd9e8445b62e6d3b8603a6c904be1
Tree 67170f73ec584fb29a5270a741fd17e02f382ccf
Parent fd29b7234ff083bdd2db35d0ce8e801234143602
Presence is suggested out of combat or if no target present.

If no presence, or not matching presence has been set, the correct one
displayed while out of combat, or in combat, but no (or dead) target