
Debug can now turned on/off ingame, using /ele debug command. All debug output goes to EleDBG chat frame, it needs to be exists for debugging

Author Taracque <taracque@taracque.hu>
Author date 2011-05-25 10:46:31
Author local date 2011-05-25 12:46:31 +0200
Committer Taracque <taracque@taracque.hu>
Committer date 2011-05-25 10:46:31
Committer local date 2011-05-25 12:46:31 +0200
Commit 4a2dbe7411d77d0170a405617696116572e3b864
Tree e806796d7c4274c1780d599d4de962815481e039
Parent 890c9b7315d356d0d6003e8d6906d1ce1d7dab44
Debug can now turned on/off ingame, using /ele debug command. All debug output goes to EleDBG chat frame, it needs to be exists for debugging
Flame Shock tracker are now more accurate, if there is no FS tick on an enemy in last 4sec, it is automatically removed from tracker.