
Moved this to fix damn elusive bug with portrait overlay

Author Darth Predator <darthpred@gmail.com>
Author date 2017-09-29 17:57:13
Author local date 2017-09-29 20:57:13 +0300
Committer Darth Predator <darthpred@gmail.com>
Committer date 2017-09-29 17:57:13
Committer local date 2017-09-29 20:57:13 +0300
Commit 6ad66fca746a2afdf62372ed3bd9ff0ecd8a6c84
Tree 862393a34355a6aff2cb0e812e79dcb0533d9170
Parent db9196d5505ea5a41ac8ca41c765b01722a11c5c
Moved this to fix damn elusive bug with portrait overlay