
I wish I could know this prior to lfr opening

Author Darth Predator <darthpred@gmail.com>
Author date 2017-06-28 12:09:12
Author local date 2017-06-28 15:09:12 +0300
Committer Darth Predator <darthpred@gmail.com>
Committer date 2017-06-28 12:09:12
Committer local date 2017-06-28 15:09:12 +0300
Commit ff2a8f78d5f42cab68834f44b7d6013740f1fbc4
Tree d20436b53d164ee7a87f548a1518581c8c43df07
Parent 2473309f8059a3c07741ca30105a0cc3b7196b5c
I wish I could know this prior to lfr opening