
Fixed lua error when shift-clicking missions

Author Alar of Runetotem <alar@aspide.it>
Author date 2019-03-28 01:03:42
Author local date 2019-03-28 02:03:42 +0100
Committer Alar of Runetotem <alar@aspide.it>
Committer date 2019-03-28 01:03:42
Committer local date 2019-03-28 02:03:42 +0100
Commit dba0eb957f96febbc92c06d704979d2256625b49
Tree fe8f90634a4ca47be0c0c9d2c454ac9f3b0d58b2
Parent dc0163480357782c9a1146731659704a9108ef0a
Fixed lua error when shift-clicking missions

Reward tooltip no longer disappear after a few seconds