
Some basic logic to fill up/down based on position

Author Adrian L Lange <adrianlund@gmail.com>
Author date 2013-04-27 20:58:37
Author local date 2013-04-27 22:58:37 +0200
Committer Adrian L Lange <adrianlund@gmail.com>
Committer date 2013-04-27 21:01:51
Committer local date 2013-04-27 23:01:51 +0200
Commit 5451ef697043dbdb960e9b3f8b4e674a6f6c579f
Tree 16f20a0814efb41a66a785930a2349bdbe554eb7
Parent 71c58ec2b1b2e770a92912335c76788dccd46f5f
Some basic logic to fill up/down based on position