
Remove comments about planned US connections that appear to have been cancelled

Author Phanx <addons@phanx.net>
Author date 2014-10-06 18:44:11
Author local date 2014-10-06 11:44:11 -0700
Committer Phanx <addons@phanx.net>
Committer date 2014-10-06 18:44:11
Committer local date 2014-10-06 11:44:11 -0700
Commit 573b0284d84f492ac9a4230688ce4553f595fc63
Tree 5dfc0dfa97d56159d1b907b54328fa03f80f714e
Parent 49bacf8d15cc04a190363e002b477e44c3fb41c5
Remove comments about planned US connections that appear to have been cancelled