
-Fixed the issues that were preventing the addon from functioning properly in Mists of Panderia.

Author Xruptor <xruptor@manaflux.com>
Author date 2012-10-02 02:08:32
Author local date 2012-10-01 22:08:32 -0400
Committer Xruptor <xruptor@manaflux.com>
Committer date 2012-10-02 02:08:32
Committer local date 2012-10-01 22:08:32 -0400
Commit 8e0b829e5c7680b1242277bb7ae86c4dbc3143a6
Tree 5eeebd5efdab15a720709b0059a180b21f1ea286
Parent 7961f51a7490e01eb60d8983f34887959c106ed2
-Fixed the issues that were preventing the addon from functioning properly in Mists of Panderia.
-New loot frames are now supported.
-Changed the way the frames are hooked for positioning.