
Just do the reward price highlighting here, no need to use the same even twice

Author p3lim <adrianlund@gmail.com>
Author date 2010-12-28 01:21:49
Author local date 2010-12-28 02:21:49 +0100
Committer p3lim <adrianlund@gmail.com>
Committer date 2010-12-28 01:21:49
Committer local date 2010-12-28 02:21:49 +0100
Commit 8c8b3cea1ae305a40e36c629d8cc0257b049c45d
Tree 64b6518cc65aa10975ce411bca4f6122cc9043cc
Parent 5fd2c17ec2c9cb4fb8a73d8f8e550a80b33327a9
Just do the reward price highlighting here, no need to use the same even twice