
Move ComputeParameter into the dependent code to reduce dependencies.

Author Johnny C. Lam <jlam88@gmail.com>
Author date 2014-07-13 11:31:16
Author local date 2014-07-13 11:31:16 +0000
Committer Johnny C. Lam <jlam88@gmail.com>
Committer date 2014-07-13 11:31:16
Committer local date 2014-07-13 11:31:16 +0000
Commit 37498a04076cdb63db8276a0db18da5ea23aca6d
Tree b0a4e918d8d1a6eb38d558c17dbbf6f6714027f8
Parent 89af97dcc46b945f4ef7ad83efa3dcb4f4ab81d5
Move ComputeParameter into the dependent code to reduce dependencies.

This has code duplication and needs to refactored.

git-svn-id: svn://svn.curseforge.net/wow/ovale/mainline/trunk@1541 d5049fe3-3747-40f7-a4b5-f36d6801af5f