
Fix if getmetatable(table).__index type is a function. This will execute it and we dont want such behavor

Author Petr G <varren@gmail.com>
Author date 2016-06-11 00:25:32
Author local date 2016-06-11 03:25:32 +0300
Committer Petr G <varren@gmail.com>
Committer date 2016-06-11 00:25:32
Committer local date 2016-06-11 03:25:32 +0300
Commit ae23155b6b729100d1606a596d57ee354070c558
Tree d8fb068a8867889b922340cca954c984749480df
Parent c48d92f70a74fccb96fd914fbfc695c41a854960
Fix if getmetatable(table).__index type is a function. This will execute it and we dont want such behavor