
Fixed parsing of PVP items that had (unique) after the stat

Author Kevin Lyles <kevinlyles@gmail.com>
Author date 2013-02-25 01:04:10
Author local date 2013-02-24 19:04:10 -0600
Committer Kevin Lyles <kevinlyles@gmail.com>
Committer date 2013-08-04 15:16:05
Committer local date 2013-08-04 10:16:05 -0500
Commit b13b0b312a4c9b16baccc8ef56a2f539e1f92c0a
Tree 2a8ec08c01a4bd9afd41de9993a00601088f8786
Parent 0d85528c1640d1bd42f1099f00d5eaea9c5596d4
Fixed parsing of PVP items that had (unique) after the stat