
- TOC Bump for 6.2

Author Lanerra <MariusNocturnum@gmail.com>
Author date 2015-09-14 00:28:53
Author local date 2015-09-13 17:28:53 -0700
Committer Lanerra <MariusNocturnum@gmail.com>
Committer date 2015-09-14 00:28:53
Committer local date 2015-09-13 17:28:53 -0700
Commit 3ffb41518349edde6494e88011709c3d46e3d7cc
Tree 5c83b4e511fbb103ec0c3f8fc3591c054cb77dd1
Parent bca40d8c0fc1e0f7b056857f645874095326d9e7
- TOC Bump for 6.2
- Update copyright year

While not a change, I just wanted to let everyone know I am likely going to be rewriting a good deal of this addon to make it a bit more efficient. I realize it's quite clunky and a bit wasteful resource-wise and I plan to alleviate that in the near future.