
I need to spellcheck things before I submit them

Author Adrian L Lange <adrianlund@gmail.com>
Author date 2014-09-01 19:46:46
Author local date 2014-09-01 21:46:46 +0200
Committer Adrian L Lange <adrianlund@gmail.com>
Committer date 2014-09-01 20:12:40
Committer local date 2014-09-01 22:12:40 +0200
Commit a2117b07760bf3da988df8d3c9317bbba11069e7
Tree b850b81fd6ae0ceb9526709130a1df2db45c0991
Parent da0b6f0f96f5b013d2745febff008d0676f2234c
I need to spellcheck things before I submit them