
Health and power needs to go on top of the backdrop

Author Adrian L Lange <adrianlund@gmail.com>
Author date 2014-09-01 19:52:56
Author local date 2014-09-01 21:52:56 +0200
Committer Adrian L Lange <adrianlund@gmail.com>
Committer date 2014-09-01 20:13:04
Committer local date 2014-09-01 22:13:04 +0200
Commit adcd7f292366265935a4faf7ce93a5a7768b9e73
Tree 74f8ed071c9c33caa0c5c4d975ebbba33e6d5048
Parent 27a593d0e06419123a1b80819ec84b03b3dc8cd3
Health and power needs to go on top of the backdrop