
Made the chat bubble tail click and draggable around the chat bubble

Author Christopher Tse <chrisstse@hotmail.com>
Author date 2020-04-04 03:42:44
Author local date 2020-04-04 14:42:44 +1100
Committer Christopher Tse <chrisstse@hotmail.com>
Committer date 2020-04-04 03:42:44
Committer local date 2020-04-04 14:42:44 +1100
Commit da80cf9fe85225aee8ea9bda8dd9b369d61d82c8
Tree 89b0a42e5314a6106055db98b448308f2b5b6029
Parent de0be12ca33bddd7cde71b47650dc755c5f0a630
Made the chat bubble tail click and draggable around the chat bubble