
-Added chat numbers to shortnames if enabled.

Author Xruptor <xruptor@manaflux.com>
Author date 2012-04-16 16:25:32
Author local date 2012-04-16 12:25:32 -0400
Committer Xruptor <xruptor@manaflux.com>
Committer date 2012-04-16 16:25:32
Committer local date 2012-04-16 12:25:32 -0400
Commit 5fc531ee2069f4953c4a2ad409530ea69dff7eda
Tree 58e3aec91542ad9015983a5c66073749605b3b91
Parent 54e588b751d0a9283a1d7966aa7f64cf3ca8e476
-Added chat numbers to shortnames if enabled.
-Fixed some serious issues with text going missing on player login.
-Changed the way that chatframes are saved and restored on the screen.
-Fixed a slight bug with the amount of lines in the chatframes.
-Changed the way some settings are applied.