
Remove message

Tek Hudson [08-16-19 - 05:32]
Remove message
diff --git a/DruidBar.lua b/DruidBar.lua
index 3b034fb..0da5c51 100644
--- a/DruidBar.lua
+++ b/DruidBar.lua
@@ -111,8 +111,6 @@ function DruidBar_OnEvent(self, event,...)

-			DruidBar_Message();
 		-- Player stopped casting, for any reason.
 		elseif (event == "UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP") then
 			if UnitPowerType("player") == 0 then lowregentimer = 5;
@@ -203,41 +201,11 @@ function Load_Variables(className)
 	if(not DruidBarKey.tempW or DruidBarKey.tempW == 0) then DruidBarKey.tempW = DruidBarKey.xvar; end
 	if(not DruidBarKey.tempH or DruidBarKey.tempH == 0) then DruidBarKey.tempH = DruidBarKey.yvar; end
 	if(not DruidBarKey.DontShiftBack) then DruidBarKey.DontShiftBack = false; end
-		-- Below aren't currently used
 	if not DruidBarKey.barstrata then DruidBarKey.barstrata = 2; end
+		-- Below aren't currently used
 	if not DruidBarKey.borderstrata then DruidBarKey.borderstrata = "BACKGROUND" end
 	if not DruidBarKey.bgstrata then DruidBarKey.bgstrata = "BORDER" end

-	if not DruidBarKey.BearMessage or not strfind(tostring(DruidBarKey.BearMessage), "table:") then
-		DruidBarKey.BearMessage = {};
-		DruidBarKey.BearMessage[1] = "ROAR! ROAR I SAY! I guess there's no denyin'...";
-		DruidBarKey.BearMessage[2] = "SAY";
-	end
-	if not DruidBarKey.CatMessage or not strfind(tostring(DruidBarKey.CatMessage), "table:") then
-		DruidBarKey.CatMessage = {};
-		DruidBarKey.CatMessage[1] = "Nyao.";
-		DruidBarKey.CatMessage[2] = "SAY";
-	end
-	if not DruidBarKey.AquaMessage or not strfind(tostring(DruidBarKey.AquaMessage), "table:") then
-		DruidBarKey.AquaMessage = {};
-		DruidBarKey.AquaMessage[1] = "Thrust vectoring owns the seas!";
-		DruidBarKey.AquaMessage[2] = "SAY";
-	end
-	if not DruidBarKey.TravMessage or not strfind(tostring(DruidBarKey.TravMessage), "table:") then
-		DruidBarKey.TravMessage = {};
-		DruidBarKey.TravMessage[1] = "Multi-cat drifting!";
-		DruidBarKey.TravMessage[2] = "SAY";
-	end
-	if not DruidBarKey.OOMMessage or not strfind(tostring(DruidBarKey.OOMMessage), "table:") then
-		DruidBarKey.OOMMessage = {};
-		DruidBarKey.OOMMessage[1] = "IMMA CHARGIN' MAH LAZOR";
-		DruidBarKey.OOMMessage[2] = "SAY";
-	end
 	if not DruidBarKey.manatexture then DruidBarKey.manatexture = "Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-StatusBar"; end
 	if not DruidBarKey.bordertexture then DruidBarKey.bordertexture = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-StatusBar-Border"; end

@@ -308,52 +276,6 @@ function DruidBar_GetShapeshiftCost()

-function DruidBar_Message()
-	if DruidBarKey.message then
-		if not DruidBarKey.BearMessage or not strfind(tostring(DruidBarKey.BearMessage), "table:") then
-			DruidBarKey.BearMessage = {};
-			DruidBarKey.BearMessage[1] = "ROAR! ROAR I SAY! I guess there's no denyin'...";
-			DruidBarKey.BearMessage[2] = "SAY";
-		end
-		if not DruidBarKey.CatMessage or not strfind(tostring(DruidBarKey.CatMessage), "table:") then
-			DruidBarKey.CatMessage = {};
-			DruidBarKey.CatMessage[1] = "Nyao.";
-			DruidBarKey.CatMessage[2] = "SAY";
-		end
-		if not DruidBarKey.AquaMessage or not strfind(tostring(DruidBarKey.AquaMessage), "table:") then
-			DruidBarKey.AquaMessage = {};
-			DruidBarKey.AquaMessage[1] = "Thrust vectoring owns the seas!";
-			DruidBarKey.AquaMessage[2] = "SAY";
-		end
-		if not DruidBarKey.TravMessage or not strfind(tostring(DruidBarKey.TravMessage), "table:") then
-			DruidBarKey.TravMessage = {};
-			DruidBarKey.TravMessage[1] = "Multi-cat drifting!";
-			DruidBarKey.TravMessage[2] = "SAY";
-		end
-		if not DruidBarKey.OOMMessage or not strfind(tostring(DruidBarKey.OOMMessage), "table:") then
-			DruidBarKey.OOMMessage = {};
-			DruidBarKey.OOMMessage[1] = "IMMA CHARGIN' MAH LAZOR";
-			DruidBarKey.OOMMessage[2] = "SAY";
-		end
-		for i = 1, GetNumShapeshiftForms() do
-			local _,_,act = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(i);
-			if act == 1 then
-				if i == 1 and DruidBarKey.BearMessage then
-					SendChatMessage(DruidBarKey.BearMessage[1], DruidBarKey.BearMessage[2]);
-				elseif i == 2 and DruidBarKey.AquaMessage then
-					SendChatMessage(DruidBarKey.AquaMessage[1], DruidBarKey.AquaMessage[2]);
-				elseif i == 3 and DruidBarKey.CatMessage then
-					SendChatMessage(DruidBarKey.CatMessage[1], DruidBarKey.CatMessage[2]);
-				elseif i == 4 and DruidBarKey.TravMessage then
-					SendChatMessage(DruidBarKey.TravMessage[1], DruidBarKey.TravMessage[2]);
-				elseif i == 5 and DruidBarKey.OOMMessage then
-					SendChatMessage(DruidBarKey.OOMMessage[1], DruidBarKey.OOMMessage[2]);
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
 function DruidBar_Subtract()
 	if not firstshift then
 		local j = 1;
@@ -696,61 +618,6 @@ function DruidBar_Enable_ChatCommandHandler(text)
 	elseif msg[1] == "vis" then
 		DruidBarKey.Graphics = DruidBar_Toggle(DruidBarKey.Graphics, "DruidBar's visual data is");
-	elseif msg[1] == "message" then
-		if msg[2] and msg[2] == "toggle" then
-			DruidBarKey.message = DruidBar_Toggle(DruidBarKey.message, "Shapeshifting messages are");
-			DRUIDBAR_FrameSet();
-		elseif msg[2] then
-			msg[2] = strlower(msg[2]);
-			if msg[3] then msg[3] = strlower(msg[3]); end
-			if msg[3] and (msg[3] == "say" or msg[3] == "party" or msg[3] == "raid" or msg[3] == "emote") then
-				--ookay...
-				DRUIDBAR_FrameSet();
-			else
-				DruidBar_Print("Invalid chat type. message format is: /dbar message [toggle/bear/cat/aqua/travel/moonkin] [say/party/raid/emote] [message]");
-				return;
-			end
-			if msg[2] == "bear" then
-				DruidBarKey.BearMessage = {};
-				local x = string.gsub(text, msg[1].." "..msg[2].." "..msg[3].." ", "");
-				DruidBarKey.BearMessage[1] = x;
-				DruidBarKey.BearMessage[2] = msg[3];
-				DruidBar_Print("Current Bear message is now:"..x);
-				DRUIDBAR_FrameSet();
-			elseif msg[2] == "cat" then
-				DruidBarKey.CatMessage = {};
-				local x = string.gsub(text, msg[1].." "..msg[2].." "..msg[3].." ", "");
-				DruidBarKey.CatMessage[1] = x;
-				DruidBarKey.CatMessage[2] = msg[3];
-				DruidBar_Print("Current Cat message is now:"..x);
-				DRUIDBAR_FrameSet();
-			elseif msg[2] == "aqua" then
-				DruidBarKey.AquaMessage = {};
-				local x = string.gsub(text, msg[1].." "..msg[2].." "..msg[3].." ", "");
-				DruidBarKey.AquaMessage[1] = x;
-				DruidBarKey.AquaMessage[2] = msg[3];
-				DruidBar_Print("Current Aquatic message is now:"..x);
-				DRUIDBAR_FrameSet();
-			elseif msg[2] == "travel" then
-				DruidBarKey.TravMessage = {};
-				local x = string.gsub(text, msg[1].." "..msg[2].." "..msg[3].." ", "");
-				DruidBarKey.TravMessage[1] = x;
-				DruidBarKey.TravMessage[2] = msg[3];
-				DruidBar_Print("Current Travel message is now:"..x);
-				DRUIDBAR_FrameSet();
-			elseif msg[2] == "moonkin" then
-				DruidBarKey.OOMMessage = {};
-				local x = string.gsub(text, msg[1].." "..msg[2].." "..msg[3].." ", "");
-				DruidBarKey.OOMMessage[1] = x;
-				DruidBarKey.OOMMessage[2] = msg[3];
-				DruidBar_Print("Current Moonkin message is now:"..x);
-				DRUIDBAR_FrameSet();
-			else
-				DruidBar_Print("Invalid message type. message takes 6 parameters: Toggle, Bear, Cat, Aqua, Travel, or Moonkin.");
-			end
-		else
-			DruidBar_Print("Invalid chat type. message format is: /dbar message [toggle/bear/cat/aqua/travel/moonkin] [say/party/raid/emote] [message]");
-		end
 	elseif msg[1] == "width" and msg[2] and tonumber(msg[2]) then
 		DruidBarKey.xvar = tonumber(msg[2]);
 		DruidBar_Print("Width is now set to "..msg[2]);
@@ -835,7 +702,6 @@ function DruidBar_Status()
 	DruidBar_Print("DruidBar Toggle Status:");
 	DruidBar_Print("DruidBar's enabled status is "..DruidBar_On(DruidBarKey.Enabled));
 	DruidBar_Print("Graphics are "..DruidBar_On(DruidBarKey.Graphics));
-	DruidBar_Print("Shapeshift messages are "..DruidBar_On(DruidBarKey.message));
 	DruidBar_Print("Prevention of shapeshifting to human using other forms is "..DruidBar_On(DruidBarKey.DontShiftBack));
 	DruidBar_Print("Hiding when in caster is "..DruidBar_On(DruidBarKey.HideInCaster));
 	DruidBar_Print("Hiding when mana is full is "..DruidBar_On(DruidBarKey.HideWhenFull));
diff --git a/Options.lua b/Options.lua
index 88cb54d..c3eabb7 100644
--- a/Options.lua
+++ b/Options.lua
@@ -200,225 +200,6 @@ function DRUIDBAROptions_Percent_OnClick(self)

-function DRUIDBAROptions_Message()
-	if(DruidBarKey.message) then
-		DruidBarKey.message = false;
-	else
-		DruidBarKey.message = true;
-	end
-	DRUIDBAR_FrameSet();
-function DRUIDBAROptions_MessageBear_Initialize()
-	local info;
-	for i = 0, 3, 1 do
-		info = { };
-		info.text = DRUIDBAR_OPTIONS_DROP.Message[i];
-		info.func = DRUIDBAROptions_MessageBear_OnClick;
-		UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
-	end
-function DRUIDBAROptions_MessageBear_OnShow()
-		UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(Bear_Message, DRUIDBAROptions_MessageBear_Initialize);
-		if( DruidBarKey.BearMessage[2] == "SAY") then
-			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(Bear_Message, 1);
-		elseif( DruidBarKey.BearMessage[2] == "PARTY") then
-			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(Bear_Message, 2);
-		elseif( DruidBarKey.BearMessage[2] == "RAID") then
-			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(Bear_Message, 3);
-		elseif( DruidBarKey.BearMessage[2] == "EMOTE") then
-			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(Bear_Message, 4);
-		elseif( not DruidBarKey.BearMessage[2]) then
-			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(Bear_Message, 1);
-			DruidBarKey.BearMessage[2] = "SAY";
-		end
-	UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(Bear_Message, 80);
-function DRUIDBAROptions_MessageBear_OnClick()
-	i = self:GetID();
-	UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(Bear_Message, i);
-	if(i == 1) then
-			DruidBarKey.BearMessage[2] = "SAY";
-	elseif(i == 2) then
-			DruidBarKey.BearMessage[2] = "PARTY";
-	elseif(i == 3) then
-			DruidBarKey.BearMessage[2] = "RAID";
-	elseif(i == 4) then
-			DruidBarKey.BearMessage[2] = "EMOTE";
-	end
-function DRUIDBAROptions_MessageAqua_Initialize()
-	local info;
-	for i = 0, 3, 1 do
-		info = { };
-		info.text = DRUIDBAR_OPTIONS_DROP.Message[i];
-		info.func = DRUIDBAROptions_MessageAqua_OnClick;
-		UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
-	end
-function DRUIDBAROptions_MessageAqua_OnShow()
-		UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(Aqua_Message, DRUIDBAROptions_MessageAqua_Initialize);
-		if( DruidBarKey.AquaMessage[2] == "SAY") then
-			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(Aqua_Message, 1);
-		elseif( DruidBarKey.AquaMessage[2] == "PARTY") then
-			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(Aqua_Message, 2);
-		elseif( DruidBarKey.AquaMessage[2] == "RAID") then
-			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(Aqua_Message, 3);
-		elseif( DruidBarKey.AquaMessage[2] == "EMOTE") then
-			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(Aqua_Message, 4);
-		elseif( not DruidBarKey.AquaMessage[2]) then
-			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(Aqua_Message, 1);
-			DruidBarKey.AquaMessage[2] = "SAY";
-		end
-	UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(Aqua_Message, 80);
-function DRUIDBAROptions_MessageAqua_OnClick()
-	i = self:GetID();
-	UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(Aqua_Message, i);
-	if(i == 1) then
-			DruidBarKey.AquaMessage[2] = "SAY";
-	elseif(i == 2) then
-			DruidBarKey.AquaMessage[2] = "PARTY";
-	elseif(i == 3) then
-			DruidBarKey.AquaMessage[2] = "RAID";
-	elseif(i == 4) then
-			DruidBarKey.AquaMessage[2] = "EMOTE";
-	end
-function DRUIDBAROptions_MessageCat_Initialize()
-	local info;
-	for i = 0, 3, 1 do
-		info = { };
-		info.text = DRUIDBAR_OPTIONS_DROP.Message[i];
-		info.func = DRUIDBAROptions_MessageCat_OnClick;
-		UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
-	end
-function DRUIDBAROptions_MessageCat_OnShow()
-		UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(Cat_Message, DRUIDBAROptions_MessageCat_Initialize);
-		if( DruidBarKey.CatMessage[2] == "SAY") then
-			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(Cat_Message, 1);
-		elseif( DruidBarKey.CatMessage[2] == "PARTY") then
-			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(Cat_Message, 2);
-		elseif( DruidBarKey.CatMessage[2] == "RAID") then
-			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(Cat_Message, 3);
-		elseif( DruidBarKey.CatMessage[2] == "EMOTE") then
-			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(Cat_Message, 4);
-		elseif( not DruidBarKey.CatMessage[2]) then
-			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(Cat_Message, 1);
-			DruidBarKey.CatMessage[2] = "SAY";
-		end
-	UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(Cat_Message, 80);
-function DRUIDBAROptions_MessageCat_OnClick()
-	i = self:GetID();
-	UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(Cat_Message, i);
-	if(i == 1) then
-			DruidBarKey.CatMessage[2] = "SAY";
-	elseif(i == 2) then
-			DruidBarKey.CatMessage[2] = "PARTY";
-	elseif(i == 3) then
-			DruidBarKey.CatMessage[2] = "RAID";
-	elseif(i == 4) then
-			DruidBarKey.CatMessage[2] = "EMOTE";
-	end
-function DRUIDBAROptions_MessageTrav_Initialize()
-	local info;
-	for i = 0, 3, 1 do
-		info = { };
-		info.text = DRUIDBAR_OPTIONS_DROP.Message[i];
-		info.func = DRUIDBAROptions_MessageTrav_OnClick;
-		UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
-	end
-function DRUIDBAROptions_MessageTrav_OnShow()
-		UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(Trav_Message, DRUIDBAROptions_MessageTrav_Initialize);
-		if( DruidBarKey.TravMessage[2] == "SAY") then
-			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(Trav_Message, 1);
-		elseif( DruidBarKey.TravMessage[2] == "PARTY") then
-			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(Trav_Message, 2);
-		elseif( DruidBarKey.TravMessage[2] == "RAID") then
-			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(Trav_Message, 3);
-		elseif( DruidBarKey.TravMessage[2] == "EMOTE") then
-			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(Trav_Message, 4);
-		elseif( not DruidBarKey.TravMessage[2]) then
-			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(Trav_Message, 1);
-			DruidBarKey.TravMessage[2] = "SAY";
-		end
-	UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(Trav_Message, 80);
-function DRUIDBAROptions_MessageTrav_OnClick()
-	i = self:GetID();
-	UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(Trav_Message, i);
-	if(i == 1) then
-			DruidBarKey.TravMessage[2] = "SAY";
-	elseif(i == 2) then
-			DruidBarKey.TravMessage[2] = "PARTY";
-	elseif(i == 3) then
-			DruidBarKey.TravMessage[2] = "RAID";
-	elseif(i == 4) then
-			DruidBarKey.TravMessage[2] = "EMOTE";
-	end
-function DRUIDBAROptions_MessageOOM_Initialize()
-	local info;
-	for i = 0, 3, 1 do
-		info = { };
-		info.text = DRUIDBAR_OPTIONS_DROP.Message[i];
-		info.func = DRUIDBAROptions_MessageOOM_OnClick;
-		UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
-	end
-function DRUIDBAROptions_MessageOOM_OnShow()
-		UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(OOM_Message, DRUIDBAROptions_MessageOOM_Initialize);
-		if( DruidBarKey.OOMMessage[2] == "SAY") then
-			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(OOM_Message, 1);
-		elseif( DruidBarKey.OOMMessage[2] == "PARTY") then
-			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(OOM_Message, 2);
-		elseif( DruidBarKey.OOMMessage[2] == "RAID") then
-			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(OOM_Message, 3);
-		elseif( DruidBarKey.OOMMessage[2] == "EMOTE") then
-			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(OOM_Message, 4);
-		elseif( not DruidBarKey.OOMMessage[2]) then
-			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(OOM_Message, 1);
-			DruidBarKey.OOMMessage[2] = "SAY";
-		end
-	UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(OOM_Message, 80);
-function DRUIDBAROptions_MessageOOM_OnClick()
-	i = self:GetID();
-	UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(OOM_Message, i);
-	if(i == 1) then
-			DruidBarKey.OOMMessage[2] = "SAY";
-	elseif(i == 2) then
-			DruidBarKey.OOMMessage[2] = "PARTY";
-	elseif(i == 3) then
-			DruidBarKey.OOMMessage[2] = "RAID";
-	elseif(i == 4) then
-			DruidBarKey.OOMMessage[2] = "EMOTE";
-	end
 function DRUIDBAR_FrameSet()
 	-- DruidBarKey is not set, get out
 	if not DruidBarKey then return end
@@ -446,17 +227,9 @@ function DRUIDBAR_FrameSet()
-	DRUIDBAROptionsMessage:SetChecked(DruidBarKey.message);
 	-- Assign Text Box Values
-	Bear_Message_EditBox:SetText(DruidBarKey.BearMessage[1]);
-	Aqua_Message_EditBox:SetText(DruidBarKey.AquaMessage[1]);
-	Cat_Message_EditBox:SetText(DruidBarKey.CatMessage[1]);
-	Trav_Message_EditBox:SetText(DruidBarKey.TravMessage[1]);
-	OOM_Message_EditBox:SetText(DruidBarKey.OOMMessage[1]);
-	-- ManaBar_FrameLevel_EditBox:SetText(DruidBarKey.manatexture);
-	-- ManaBorder_FrameLevel_EditBox:SetText(DruidBarKey.bordertexture);

 	-- Addon Enabled and Graphics on
 	if(DruidBarKey.Enabled and DruidBarKey.Graphics) then
@@ -576,63 +349,3 @@ function DRUIDBAROptions_GetBorderColor(self)
 									DruidBarKey.bordercolor[4] = 1.0 - ColorPickerFrame.previousValues.opacity; end;
 	getglobal(self:GetName().."_SwatchBg"):SetVertexColor(DruidBarKey.bordercolor[1], DruidBarKey.bordercolor[2], DruidBarKey.bordercolor[3]);
--- function DRUIDBAROptions_ManaBarFrameLevel_Initialize()
--- 	local info;
--- 	for i = 0, 3, 1 do
--- 		info = { };
--- 		info.text = DRUIDBAR_OPTIONS_DROP.Strata[i];
--- 		info.func = DRUIDBAROptions_ManaBarFrameLevel_OnClick;
--- 		UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
--- 	end
--- end
--- function DRUIDBAROptions_ManaBarFrameLevel_OnShow()
--- 		UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(ManaBar_FrameLevel, DRUIDBAROptions_ManaBarFrameLevel_Initialize);
--- 		if DruidBarKey.barstrata then
--- 			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(ManaBar_FrameLevel, DruidBarKey.barstrata + 1);
--- 		elseif not DruidBarKey.barstrata then
--- 			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(ManaBar_FrameLevel, 2);
--- 			DruidBarKey.barstrata = 2;
--- 		end
--- 	UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(ManaBar_FrameLevel, 80);
--- end
--- function DRUIDBAROptions_ManaBarFrameLevel_OnClick()
--- 	i = UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedID(ManaBar_FrameLevel);
--- 	DruidBarKey.barstrata = i - 1;
--- 	UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(ManaBar_FrameLevel, i);
--- 	DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(i);
--- end
--- function DRUIDBAROptions_ManaBorderFrameLevel_Initialize()
--- 	local info;
--- 	for i = 0, 3, 1 do
--- 		info = { };
--- 		info.text = DRUIDBAR_OPTIONS_DROP.Strata[i];
--- 		info.func = DRUIDBAROptions_ManaBorderFrameLevel_OnClick;
--- 		UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
--- 	end
--- end
--- function DRUIDBAROptions_ManaBorderFrameLevel_OnShow()
--- 		UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(ManaBorder_FrameLevel, DRUIDBAROptions_ManaBorderFrameLevel_Initialize);
--- 		if DruidBarKey.borderstrata then
--- 			local i;
--- 			local j = DruidBarKey.borderstrata;
--- 			if j == "BACKGROUND" then i = 1; elseif j == "BORDER" then i = 2; elseif j == "ARTWORK" then i = 3; elseif j == "OVERLAY" then i = 4; end
--- 			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(ManaBorder_FrameLevel, i + 1);
--- 		elseif not DruidBarKey.borderstrata then
--- 			UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(ManaBorder_FrameLevel, 1);
--- 			DruidBarKey.borderstrata = "BACKGROUND";
--- 		end
--- 	UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(ManaBorder_FrameLevel, 80);
--- end
--- function DRUIDBAROptions_ManaBorderFrameLevel_OnClick()
--- 	i = UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedID(ManaBorder_FrameLevel);
--- 	local j;
--- 	if i == 1 then j = "BACKGROUND"; elseif i == 2 then j = "BORDER"; elseif i == 3 then j = "ARTWORK"; elseif i == 4 then j = "OVERLAY"; end
--- 	DruidBarKey.borderstrata = j;
--- 	UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(ManaBorder_FrameLevel, i);
--- end
diff --git a/Options.xml b/Options.xml
index ee81e7f..deac170 100644
--- a/Options.xml
+++ b/Options.xml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 	<Frame name="DRUIDBAROptionsFrame" toplevel="true" frameStrata="DIALOG" movable="true" enableMouse="true" hidden="true" parent="UIParent">
-			<AbsDimension x="460" y="540"/>
+			<AbsDimension x="460" y="340"/>

@@ -495,366 +495,6 @@

-			<!-- Text Header for 'Messages' -->
-			<Frame name="DRUIDBAROptions_Messages">
-				<Size>
-					<AbsDimension x="420" y="195"/>
-				</Size>
-				<Anchors>
-					<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
-						<Offset>
-							<AbsDimension x="20" y="-235"/>
-						</Offset>
-					</Anchor>
-				</Anchors>
-				<Backdrop bgFile="Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Background" edgeFile="Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border" tile="true">
-					<EdgeSize>
-						<AbsValue val="8"/>
-					</EdgeSize>
-					<TileSize>
-						<AbsValue val="8"/>
-					</TileSize>
-					<BackgroundInsets>
-						<AbsInset left="2" right="2" top="2" bottom="2"/>
-					</BackgroundInsets>
-				</Backdrop>
-				<Layers>
-					<Layer>
-						<FontString inherits="GameFontHighlight" text="DRUIDBAR_OPTIONS_MessageO">
-							<Anchors>
-								<Anchor point="TOP">
-									<Offset>
-										<AbsDimension x="0" y="-6"/>
-									</Offset>
-								</Anchor>
-							</Anchors>
-						</FontString>
-					</Layer>
-				</Layers>
-				<Scripts>
-					<OnLoad>
-						self:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4);
-						self:SetBackdropColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1);
-					</OnLoad>
-				</Scripts>
-			</Frame>
-			<!-- Toggle for 'Enable' -->
-			<CheckButton name="DRUIDBAROptionsMessage" inherits="OptionsCheckButtonTemplate">
-				<Anchors>
-					<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="DRUIDBAROptions_Messages" relativePoint="TOPLEFT">
-						<Offset>
-							<AbsDimension x="30" y="-30"/>
-						</Offset>
-					</Anchor>
-				</Anchors>
-				<Scripts>
-					<OnLoad>
-						getglobal(self:GetName().."Text"):SetText(DRUIDBAR_OPTIONS_Message);
-					</OnLoad>
-					<OnClick>
-						DRUIDBAROptions_Message();
-					</OnClick>
-					<OnEnter>
-						GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_RIGHT");
-						GameTooltip:SetText(DRUIDBAR_OPTIONS_MessageTT);
-						GameTooltip:Show();
-					</OnEnter>
-					<OnLeave>
-						GameTooltip:Hide();
-					</OnLeave>
-				</Scripts>
-			</CheckButton>
-			<Frame name="Bear_Message" inherits="UIDropDownMenuTemplate" enableMouse="true">
-				<Anchors>
-					<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="DRUIDBAROptions_Messages" relativePoint="TOPLEFT">
-						<Offset>
-							<AbsDimension x="55" y="-60"/>
-						</Offset>
-					</Anchor>
-				</Anchors>
-				<Layers>
-					<Layer level="BACKGROUND">
-						<FontString name="$parentLabel" inherits="GameFontNormalSmall" text="DRUIDBAR_OPTIONS_Message_Bear">
-							<Anchors>
-								<Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="Bear_Message" relativePoint="LEFT">
-									<Offset>
-										<AbsDimension x="16" y="2"/>
-									</Offset>
-								</Anchor>
-							</Anchors>
-						</FontString>
-					</Layer>
-				</Layers>
-				<Scripts>
-					<OnShow>
-						DRUIDBAROptions_MessageBear_OnShow();
-					</OnShow>
-				</Scripts>
-			</Frame>
-			<EditBox name="Bear_Message_EditBox" autoFocus="false" inherits="InputBoxTemplate" bytes="64">
-				<Size>
-					<AbsDimension x="230" y="16"/>
-				</Size>
-				<Anchors>
-					<Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="Bear_Message" relativePoint="RIGHT">
-						<Offset>
-							<AbsDimension x="-8" y="2"/>
-						</Offset>
-					</Anchor>
-				</Anchors>
-				<Scripts>
-					<OnLoad>
-						self:SetMaxLetters(225);
-					</OnLoad>
-					<OnEnterPressed>
-						self:ClearFocus();
-					</OnEnterPressed>
-					<OnEscapePressed>
-						self:ClearFocus();
-					</OnEscapePressed>
-					<OnTextChanged>
-						DruidBarKey.BearMessage[1] = self:GetText();
-					</OnTextChanged>
-				</Scripts>
-				<FontString inherits="ChatFontNormal"/>
-			</EditBox>
-			<Frame name="Aqua_Message" inherits="UIDropDownMenuTemplate" enableMouse="true">
-				<Anchors>
-					<Anchor point="TOP" relativeTo="Bear_Message" relativePoint="BOTTOM">
-						<Offset>
-							<AbsDimension x="0" y="8"/>
-						</Offset>
-					</Anchor>
-				</Anchors>
-				<Layers>
-					<Layer level="BACKGROUND">
-						<FontString name="$parentLabel" inherits="GameFontNormalSmall" text="DRUIDBAR_OPTIONS_Message_Aqua">
-							<Anchors>
-								<Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="Aqua_Message" relativePoint="LEFT">
-									<Offset>
-										<AbsDimension x="16" y="2"/>
-									</Offset>
-								</Anchor>
-							</Anchors>
-						</FontString>
-					</Layer>
-				</Layers>
-				<Scripts>
-					<OnShow>
-						DRUIDBAROptions_MessageAqua_OnShow();
-					</OnShow>
-				</Scripts>
-			</Frame>
-			<EditBox name="Aqua_Message_EditBox" autoFocus="false" inherits="InputBoxTemplate" bytes="64">
-				<Size>
-					<AbsDimension x="230" y="16"/>
-				</Size>
-				<Anchors>
-					<Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="Aqua_Message" relativePoint="RIGHT">
-						<Offset>
-							<AbsDimension x="-8" y="2"/>
-						</Offset>
-					</Anchor>
-				</Anchors>
-				<Scripts>
-					<OnLoad>
-						self:SetMaxLetters(225);
-					</OnLoad>
-					<OnEnterPressed>
-						self:ClearFocus();
-					</OnEnterPressed>
-					<OnEscapePressed>
-						self:ClearFocus();
-					</OnEscapePressed>
-					<OnTextChanged>
-						DruidBarKey.AquaMessage[1] = self:GetText();
-					</OnTextChanged>
-				</Scripts>
-				<FontString inherits="ChatFontNormal"/>
-			</EditBox>
-			<Frame name="Cat_Message" inherits="UIDropDownMenuTemplate" enableMouse="true">
-				<Anchors>
-					<Anchor point="TOP" relativeTo="Aqua_Message" relativePoint="BOTTOM">
-						<Offset>
-							<AbsDimension x="0" y="8"/>
-						</Offset>
-					</Anchor>
-				</Anchors>
-				<Layers>
-					<Layer level="BACKGROUND">
-						<FontString name="$parentLabel" inherits="GameFontNormalSmall" text="DRUIDBAR_OPTIONS_Message_Cat">
-							<Anchors>
-								<Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="Cat_Message" relativePoint="LEFT">
-									<Offset>
-										<AbsDimension x="16" y="2"/>
-									</Offset>
-								</Anchor>
-							</Anchors>
-						</FontString>
-					</Layer>
-				</Layers>
-				<Scripts>
-					<OnShow>
-						DRUIDBAROptions_MessageCat_OnShow();
-					</OnShow>
-				</Scripts>
-			</Frame>
-			<EditBox name="Cat_Message_EditBox" autoFocus="false" inherits="InputBoxTemplate" bytes="64">
-				<Size>
-					<AbsDimension x="230" y="16"/>
-				</Size>
-				<Anchors>
-					<Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="Cat_Message" relativePoint="RIGHT">
-						<Offset>
-							<AbsDimension x="-8" y="2"/>
-						</Offset>
-					</Anchor>
-				</Anchors>
-				<Scripts>
-					<OnLoad>
-						self:SetMaxLetters(225);
-					</OnLoad>
-					<OnEnterPressed>
-						self:ClearFocus();
-					</OnEnterPressed>
-					<OnEscapePressed>
-						self:ClearFocus();
-					</OnEscapePressed>
-					<OnTextChanged>
-						DruidBarKey.CatMessage[1] = self:GetText();
-					</OnTextChanged>
-				</Scripts>
-				<FontString inherits="ChatFontNormal"/>
-			</EditBox>
-			<Frame name="Trav_Message" inherits="UIDropDownMenuTemplate" enableMouse="true">
-				<Anchors>
-					<Anchor point="TOP" relativeTo="Cat_Message" relativePoint="BOTTOM">
-						<Offset>
-							<AbsDimension x="0" y="8"/>
-						</Offset>
-					</Anchor>
-				</Anchors>
-				<Layers>
-					<Layer level="BACKGROUND">
-						<FontString name="$parentLabel" inherits="GameFontNormalSmall" text="DRUIDBAR_OPTIONS_Message_Trav">
-							<Anchors>
-								<Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="Trav_Message" relativePoint="LEFT">
-									<Offset>
-										<AbsDimension x="16" y="2"/>
-									</Offset>
-								</Anchor>
-							</Anchors>
-						</FontString>
-					</Layer>
-				</Layers>
-				<Scripts>
-					<OnShow>
-						DRUIDBAROptions_MessageTrav_OnShow();
-					</OnShow>
-				</Scripts>
-			</Frame>
-			<EditBox name="Trav_Message_EditBox" autoFocus="false" inherits="InputBoxTemplate" bytes="64">
-				<Size>
-					<AbsDimension x="230" y="16"/>
-				</Size>
-				<Anchors>
-					<Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="Trav_Message" relativePoint="RIGHT">
-						<Offset>
-							<AbsDimension x="-8" y="2"/>
-						</Offset>
-					</Anchor>
-				</Anchors>
-				<Scripts>
-					<OnLoad>
-						self:SetMaxLetters(225);
-					</OnLoad>
-					<OnEnterPressed>
-						self:ClearFocus();
-					</OnEnterPressed>
-					<OnEscapePressed>
-						self:ClearFocus();
-					</OnEscapePressed>
-					<OnTextChanged>
-						DruidBarKey.TravMessage[1] = self:GetText();
-					</OnTextChanged>
-				</Scripts>
-				<FontString inherits="ChatFontNormal"/>
-			</EditBox>
-			<Frame name="OOM_Message" inherits="UIDropDownMenuTemplate" enableMouse="true">
-				<Anchors>
-					<Anchor point="TOP" relativeTo="Trav_Message" relativePoint="BOTTOM">
-						<Offset>
-							<AbsDimension x="0" y="8"/>
-						</Offset>
-					</Anchor>
-				</Anchors>
-				<Layers>
-					<Layer level="BACKGROUND">
-						<FontString name="$parentLabel" inherits="GameFontNormalSmall" text="DRUIDBAR_OPTIONS_Message_Oom">
-							<Anchors>
-								<Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="OOM_Message" relativePoint="LEFT">
-									<Offset>
-										<AbsDimension x="16" y="2"/>
-									</Offset>
-								</Anchor>
-							</Anchors>
-						</FontString>
-					</Layer>
-				</Layers>
-				<Scripts>
-					<OnShow>
-						DRUIDBAROptions_MessageOOM_OnShow();
-					</OnShow>
-				</Scripts>
-			</Frame>
-			<EditBox name="OOM_Message_EditBox" autoFocus="false" inherits="InputBoxTemplate" bytes="64">
-				<Size>
-					<AbsDimension x="230" y="16"/>
-				</Size>
-				<Anchors>
-					<Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="OOM_Message" relativePoint="RIGHT">
-						<Offset>
-							<AbsDimension x="-8" y="2"/>
-						</Offset>
-					</Anchor>
-				</Anchors>
-				<Scripts>
-					<OnLoad>
-						self:SetMaxLetters(225);
-					</OnLoad>
-					<OnEnterPressed>
-						self:ClearFocus();
-					</OnEnterPressed>
-					<OnEscapePressed>
-						self:ClearFocus();
-					</OnEscapePressed>
-					<OnTextChanged>
-						DruidBarKey.OOMMessage[1] = self:GetText();
-					</OnTextChanged>
-				</Scripts>
-				<FontString inherits="ChatFontNormal"/>
-			</EditBox>
 			<!-- MISC SUBFRAME -->
 			<!-- Text Header for 'Misc' -->
 			<Frame name="DRUIDBAROptions_Misc">
@@ -865,7 +505,7 @@
 					<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
-							<AbsDimension x="20" y="-435"/>
+							<AbsDimension x="20" y="-235"/>
@@ -1088,120 +728,6 @@

-			<!-- <Frame name="ManaBar_FrameLevel" inherits="UIDropDownMenuTemplate" enableMouse="true">
-				<Anchors>
-					<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="DBColorSwatch" relativePoint="BOTTOM">
-						<Offset>
-							<AbsDimension x="15" y="-5"/>
-						</Offset>
-					</Anchor>
-				</Anchors>
-				<Layers>
-					<Layer level="BACKGROUND">
-						<FontString name="$parentLabel" inherits="GameFontNormalSmall" text="DRUIDBAR_OPTIONS_Message_Mana">
-							<Anchors>
-								<Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="ManaBar_FrameLevel" relativePoint="LEFT">
-									<Offset>
-										<AbsDimension x="16" y="2"/>
-									</Offset>
-								</Anchor>
-							</Anchors>
-						</FontString>
-					</Layer>
-				</Layers>
-				<Scripts>
-					<OnShow>
-						DRUIDBAROptions_ManaBarFrameLevel_OnShow();
-					</OnShow>
-				</Scripts>
-			</Frame>
-			<EditBox name="ManaBar_FrameLevel_EditBox" autoFocus="false" inherits="InputBoxTemplate" bytes="64">
-				<Size>
-					<AbsDimension x="230" y="16"/>
-				</Size>
-				<Anchors>
-					<Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="ManaBar_FrameLevel" relativePoint="RIGHT">
-						<Offset>
-							<AbsDimension x="-8" y="2"/>
-						</Offset>
-					</Anchor>
-				</Anchors>
-				<Scripts>
-					<OnLoad>
-						self:SetMaxLetters(225);
-					</OnLoad>
-					<OnEnterPressed>
-						self:ClearFocus();
-					</OnEnterPressed>
-					<OnEscapePressed>
-						self:ClearFocus();
-					</OnEscapePressed>
-					<OnTextChanged>
-						DruidBarKey.manatexture = self:GetText();
-					</OnTextChanged>
-				</Scripts>
-				<FontString inherits="ChatFontNormal"/>
-			</EditBox>
-			<Frame name="ManaBorder_FrameLevel" inherits="UIDropDownMenuTemplate" enableMouse="true">
-				<Anchors>
-					<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="ManaBar_FrameLevel" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
-						<Offset>
-							<AbsDimension x="0" y="5"/>
-						</Offset>
-					</Anchor>
-				</Anchors>
-				<Layers>
-					<Layer level="BACKGROUND">
-						<FontString name="$parentLabel" inherits="GameFontNormalSmall" text="DRUIDBAR_OPTIONS_Message_border">
-							<Anchors>
-								<Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="ManaBorder_FrameLevel" relativePoint="LEFT">
-									<Offset>
-										<AbsDimension x="16" y="2"/>
-									</Offset>
-								</Anchor>
-							</Anchors>
-						</FontString>
-					</Layer>
-				</Layers>
-				<Scripts>
-					<OnShow>
-						DRUIDBAROptions_ManaBorderFrameLevel_OnShow();
-					</OnShow>
-				</Scripts>
-			</Frame>
-			<EditBox name="ManaBorder_FrameLevel_EditBox" autoFocus="false" inherits="InputBoxTemplate" bytes="64">
-				<Size>
-					<AbsDimension x="230" y="16"/>
-				</Size>
-				<Anchors>
-					<Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="ManaBorder_FrameLevel" relativePoint="RIGHT">
-						<Offset>
-							<AbsDimension x="-8" y="2"/>
-						</Offset>
-					</Anchor>
-				</Anchors>
-				<Scripts>
-					<OnLoad>
-						self:SetMaxLetters(225);
-					</OnLoad>
-					<OnEnterPressed>
-						self:ClearFocus();
-					</OnEnterPressed>
-					<OnEscapePressed>
-						self:ClearFocus();
-					</OnEscapePressed>
-					<OnTextChanged>
-						DruidBarKey.bordertexture = self:GetText();
-					</OnTextChanged>
-				</Scripts>
-				<FontString inherits="ChatFontNormal"/>
-			</EditBox> -->
 			<Button name="DRUIDBAROptionsFrameClose" inherits="OptionsButtonTemplate" text="DRUIDBAR_OPTIONS_Close">
 					<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT">