
New feature: Hide the vendor confirmation pop-up when you try to sell an item that is still tradable among the group that looted it. This is off by default for existing users and has to be enabled manually. It's on by default for new users.

KyrosKrane [07-21-16 - 17:56]
New feature: Hide the vendor confirmation pop-up when you try to sell an item that is still tradable among the group that looted it. This is off by default for existing users and has to be enabled manually. It's on by default for new users.
diff --git a/AnnoyingPopupRemover.lua b/AnnoyingPopupRemover.lua
index 5ae3149..02b4c1c 100644
--- a/AnnoyingPopupRemover.lua
+++ b/AnnoyingPopupRemover.lua
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ function APR:HandleCommandLine(msg, editbox)

 	-- Validate parameters. Only 1 and 2 are checked; rest are ignored.
 	if Line[2] then
-		if "bind" == Line[2] or "loot" == Line[2] or "roll" == Line[2] or "void" == Line[2] then
+		if "bind" == Line[2] or "loot" == Line[2] or "roll" == Line[2] or "void" == Line[2] or "vendor" == Line[2] then
 			if "show" == Line[1] or "hide" == Line[1] then
 				APR:TogglePopup(Line[2], Line[1])
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ end -- APR:HandleCommandLine()
 -- Print the instructions for the user.
 function APR:PrintHelp()
 	APR:ChatPrint (L["Allowed commands for"] .. " " .. L["Annoying Pop-up Remover"] .. ":");
-	APR:ChatPrint("/apr   show |cffFFCC00OR|r hide   bind |cffFFCC00OR|r roll |cffFFCC00OR|r void"); -- not localized on purpose
+	APR:ChatPrint("/apr   show |cffFFCC00OR|r hide   bind |cffFFCC00OR|r roll |cffFFCC00OR|r void |cffFFCC00OR|r vendor"); -- not localized on purpose
 	APR:ChatPrint("/apr status"); -- not localized on purpose
 	APR:ChatPrint("/apr help"); -- not localized on purpose
 end -- APR:PrintHelp()
@@ -261,6 +261,13 @@ function APR:PrintStatus(popup)
 			APR:ChatPrint (L["Confirmation pop-up when depositing modified items into |cffff0000void storage|r will be |cffff0000shown|r."]);
+	if not popup or "vendor" == popup then
+		if APR.DB.HideVoid then
+			APR:ChatPrint (L["Confirmation pop-up when selling group-looted items to a |cff00ff00vendor|r will be |cff00ff00hidden|r."]);
+		else
+			APR:ChatPrint (L["Confirmation pop-up when selling group-looted items to a |cff00ff00vendor|r will be |cffff0000shown|r."]);
+		end
+	end
 end -- APR:PrintStatus()

@@ -330,6 +337,26 @@ function APR:TogglePopup(popup, state)

+	elseif "vendor" == popup then
+		if state then
+			if "show" == state then
+				APR:ShowPopupVendor(true);
+			elseif "hide" == state then
+				APR:HidePopupVendor(true);
+			else
+				-- error, bad programmer, no cookie!
+				DebugPrint("Error in APR:TogglePopup: unknown state " .. state .. " for popup type " .. popup .. " passed in.");
+				return false
+			end
+		else
+			-- no state specified, so reverse the state. If Hide was on, then show it, and vice versa.
+			if APR.DB.HideVendor then
+				APR:ShowPopupVendor(true);
+			else
+				APR:HidePopupVendor(true);
+			end
+		end
 		-- error, bad programmer, no cookie!
 		DebugPrint("Error in APR:TogglePopup: unknown popup type " .. popup .. " passed in.");
@@ -407,6 +434,23 @@ function APR:ShowPopupVoid(printconfirm)
 end -- APR:ShowPopupVoid()

+function APR:ShowPopupVendor(printconfirm)
+	APR:DebugPrint ("in APR:ShowPopupVendor");
+	if APR.DB.HideVendor then
+		-- Re-enable the dialog for selling group-looted items to a vendor while still tradable.
+		-- Mark that the dialog is shown.
+		APR.DB.HideVendor = false;
+	-- else already shown, nothing to do.
+	end
+	if printconfirm then APR:PrintStatus("vendor") end;
+end -- APR:ShowPopupVendor()
 function APR:HidePopupBind(printconfirm, ForceHide)
 	APR:DebugPrint ("in APR:HidePopupBind");
 	if not APR.DB.HideBind or ForceHide then
@@ -458,6 +502,23 @@ function APR:HidePopupVoid(printconfirm, ForceHide)
 end -- APR:HidePopupVoid()

+function APR:HidePopupVendor(printconfirm, ForceHide)
+	APR:DebugPrint ("in APR:HidePopupVendor");
+	if not APR.DB.HideVendor or ForceHide then
+		-- Disable the dialog for selling group-looted items to a vendor while still tradable.
+		-- Mark that the dialog is hidden.
+		APR.DB.HideVendor = true;
+	-- else already hidden, nothing to do.
+	end
+	if printconfirm then APR:PrintStatus("vendor") end;
+end -- APR:HidePopupVendor()
 --# Event hooks
@@ -527,6 +588,28 @@ function APR.Events:VOID_DEPOSIT_WARNING(...)

+-- Vendoring an item that was group-looted and is still tradable in the group triggers this.
+	if (APR.DebugMode) then
+		APR:PrintVarArgs(...);
+	end -- if APR.DebugMode
+	-- Document the incoming parameters.
+	local item = ...;
+	APR:DebugPrint ("item is ", item);
+	-- If the user didn't ask us to hide this popup, just return.
+	if not APR.DB.HideVendor then
+		APR:DebugPrint ("HideVendor off, not auto confirming");
+		return
+	end;
+	-- Sell the item.
+	SellCursorItem();
 -- For debugging only.
 	-- We don't actually do anything in this function; it's just for debugging.
@@ -566,18 +649,21 @@ function APR.Events:ADDON_LOADED(addon)
 				HideBind = true,
 				HideRoll = true,
 				HideVoid = true,
+				HideVendor = true,
 			} ;

 		APR:DebugPrint ("HideBind is " .. (APR.DB.HideBind and "true" or "false"));
 		APR:DebugPrint ("HideRoll is " .. (APR.DB.HideRoll and "true" or "false"));
 		APR:DebugPrint ("HideVoid is " .. (APR.DB.HideVoid and "true" or "false"));
+		APR:DebugPrint ("HideVendor is " .. (APR.DB.HideVendor and "true" or "false"));

 		-- Hide the dialogs the user has selected.
 		-- In this scenario, the DB variable is already true, but the dialog has not yet been hidden. So, we pass true to forcibly hide the dialogs.
 		if APR.DB.HideBind then APR:HidePopupBind(false, true) end;
 		if APR.DB.HideRoll then APR:HidePopupRoll(false, true) end;
 		if APR.DB.HideVoid then APR:HidePopupVoid(false, true) end;
+		if APR.DB.HideVendor then APR:HidePopupVendor(false, true) end;

 	end -- if AnnoyingPopupRemover
 end -- APR.Events:PLAYER_LOGIN()