
You can now set as many widget points as you want.

Scott Sibley [09-15-10 - 07:32]
You can now set as many widget points as you want.
diff --git a/Modules/Bars.lua b/Modules/Bars.lua
index 6f0c7b0..6d8587b 100644
--- a/Modules/Bars.lua
+++ b/Modules/Bars.lua
@@ -69,10 +69,11 @@ else
 		height = 6,
-		point = {"BOTTOMLEFT", "GameTooltip", "TOPLEFT"},
+		points = {{"BOTTOMLEFT", "GameTooltip", "TOPLEFT", 0, 0}, {"LEFT", "GameTooltip", "LEFT", 5, 0}, {"RIGHT", "GameTooltip", "RIGHT", -5, 0}},
 		texture1 = LSM:GetDefault("statusbar"),
 		enabled = true,
-		layer = 1
+		layer = 1,
+		level = 100
 	[2] = {
 		name = "Mana Bar",
@@ -87,10 +88,11 @@ return UnitMana(unit)
 return PowerColor(nil, unit)
 		height = 6,
-		point = {"TOPLEFT", "GameTooltip", "BOTTOMLEFT"},
+		points = {{"TOPLEFT", "GameTooltip", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0}, {"LEFT", "GameTooltip", "LEFT", 5, 0}, {"RIGHT", "GameTooltip", "RIGHT", -5, 0}},
 		texture1 = LSM:GetDefault("statusbar"),
 		enabled = true,
-		layer = 1
+		layer = 1,
+		level = 100

@@ -115,7 +117,9 @@ local optionsDefaults = {
 				min = "return 0",
 				max = "return 100",
 				height = 6,
-				point = {"BOTTOMLEFT", "GameTooltip", "TOPLEFT"},
+				points = {{"BOTTOMLEFT", "GameTooltip", "TOPLEFT", 0, 0}},
+				level = 100,
+				strata = 1,
 				texture = LSM:GetDefault("statusbar"),
 				expression = "",
 				custom = true
@@ -180,17 +184,22 @@ end
 local defaultPoint = {"BOTTOMLEFT", "GameTooltip", "TOPLEFT"}

 local strataNameList = {

-local strataLocaleList = {"Background", "Low", "Medium", "High", "Dialog", "Fullscreen", "Fullscreen Dialog", "Tooltip"}
+local strataLocaleList = {
+	"Tooltip", "Fullscreen Dialog", "Fullscreen", "Dialog", "High", "Medium", "Low", "Background"

 local function clearBar(obj)
 	obj = mod.bars and mod.bars[obj]
 	if not obj then return end
+	obj.bar:ClearAllPoints()
+	obj.bar:Hide()
 	if obj.secondBar then
+		obj.secondBar.bar:Hide()
@@ -212,23 +221,21 @@ local function createBars()
 			local widget = mod.bars[v]
 			if not widget then
 				local bar = new()
-				widget = mod.bars[v] or WidgetBar:New(mod.core, v.name, v, v.row or 0, v.col or 0, v.layer or 0, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel, updateBar, bar)
+				widget = WidgetBar:New(mod.core, v.name, v, v.row or 0, v.col or 0, v.layer or 0, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel, updateBar, bar)
 				bar:SetStatusBarTexture(LSM:Fetch("statusbar", v.texture1))
-				local arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 = unpack(v.point)
-				arg4 = (arg4 or 0)
-				arg5 = (arg5 or 0)
-				bar:SetPoint(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
-				if type(v.width) == "number" then
-					bar:SetWidth(v.width)
-				else
-					bar:SetPoint("LEFT", GameTooltip, "LEFT")
-					bar:SetPoint("RIGHT", GameTooltip, "RIGHT")
+				for j, point in ipairs(v.points) do
+					local arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 = unpack(point)
+					arg4 = (arg4 or 0)
+					arg5 = (arg5 or 0)
+					bar:SetPoint(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
+				bar:SetWidth(v.width or 20)
 				bar:SetMinMaxValues(0, 100)
-				bar:SetFrameStrata(strataNameList[widget.layer])
+				bar:SetFrameStrata(strataNameList[v.layer])
+				bar:SetFrameLevel(v.level)
 				widget.bar1 = true
 				widget.bar = bar
 				mod.bars[v] = widget
@@ -238,24 +245,22 @@ local function createBars()
 					widget = WidgetBar:New(mod.core, v.name, v, v.row or 0, v.col or 0, v.layer or 0, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel, updateBar, bar)
 					bar:SetStatusBarTexture(LSM:Fetch("statusbar", v.texture2 or v.texutre1 or "Blizzard"))
-					local arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 = unpack(v.point)
-					arg4 = (arg4 or 0)
-					if v.top then
-						arg5 = (arg5 or 0) - (v.height or 12)
-					else
-						arg5 = (arg5 or 0) + (v.height or 12)
-					end
-					bar:SetPoint(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
-					if type(v.width) == "number" then
-						bar:SetWidth(v.width)
-					else
-						bar:SetPoint("LEFT", GameTooltip, "LEFT")
-						bar:SetPoint("RIGHT", GameTooltip, "RIGHT")
+					for i, point in ipairs(v.points) do
+						local arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 = unpack(point)
+						arg4 = (arg4 or 0)
+						if v.top then
+							arg5 = (arg5 or 0) - (v.height or 12)
+						else
+							arg5 = (arg5 or 0) + (v.height or 12)
+						end
+						bar:SetPoint(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
+					bar:SetWidth(v.width or 10)
 					bar:SetMinMaxValues(0, 100)
+					bar:SetFrameLevel(v.level)
 					mod.bars[v].secondBar = widget
@@ -391,7 +396,7 @@ end

 function mod:RebuildOpts()
 	local defaults = WidgetBar.defaults
+	self:ClearBars()
 	for k, v in pairs(optionsDefaults) do
 		options[k] = v
@@ -402,264 +407,40 @@ function mod:RebuildOpts()
 			name = db.name,
 			order = i,
-			args={
-				enabled = {
-					name = "Enabled",
-					desc = "Whether this bar is enabled or not",
-					type = "toggle",
-					get = function() return db.enabled end,
-					set = function(info, v)
-						db.enabled = v
-						db["enabledDirty"] = true
-						self:ClearBars()
-					end,
-					order = 1
-				},
-				height = {
-					name = "Bar height",
-					desc = "Enter the bar's height",
-					type = "input",
-					pattern = "%d",
-					get = function() return tostring(db.height or defaults.height) end,
-					set = function(info, v)
-						db.height = tonumber(v);
-						db["heightDirty"] = true
-						self:ClearBars()
-					end,
-					order = 2
-				},
-				update = {
-					name = "Bar update rate",
-					desc = "Enter the bar's refresh rate",
-					type = "input",
-					pattern = "%d",
-					get = function() return tostring(db.update or defaults.update) end,
-					set = function(info, v)
-						db.update = tonumber(v);
-						db["updateDirty"] = true
-						self:ClearBars()
-					end,
-					order = 3
-				},
-				--[[direction = {
-					name = "Bar direction",
-					type = "select",
-					values = WidgetBar.directionList,
-					get = function() return db.direction or defaults.direction end,
-					set = function(info, v) db.direction = v;  end,
-					order = 4
-				},
-				style = {
-					name = "Bar Style",
-					type = "select",
-					values = WidgetBar.styleList,
-					get = function() return db.style or defaults.style end,
-					set = function(info, v) db.style = v;  end,
-					order = 5
-				},]]
-				texture1 = {
-					name = "Texture #1",
-					desc = "The bar's first texture",
-					type = "select",
-					values = LSM:List("statusbar"),
-					get = function()
-						return StarTip:GetLSMIndexByName("statusbar", db.texture1 or "Blizzard")
-					end,
-					set = function(info, v)
-						db.texture1 = LSM:List("statusbar")[v]
-						db["texture1Dirty"] = true
-						self:ClearBars()
-					end,
-					order = 4
-				},
-				texture2 = {
-					name = "Texture #2",
-					desc = "The bar's second texture",
-					type = "select",
-					values = LSM:List("statusbar"),
-					get = function()
-						return db.texture2 or db.texture1 or "Blizzard"
-					end,
-					set = function(info, v)
-						db.texture2 = LSM:List("statusbar")[v]
-						db["texture2Dirty"] = true
-						self:ClearBars()
-						 end,
-					order = 5
-				},
-				strata = {
-					name = "Strata",
-					type = "select",
-					values = strataLocaleList,
-					get = function() return db.strata end,
-					set = function(info, v) db.strata = v; self:ClearBars() end,
-					order = 6
-				},
-				point = {
-					name = "Anchor Points",
-					desc = "This bar's anchor point. These arguments are passed to bar:SetPoint()",
-					type = "group",
-					args = {
-						point = {
-							name = "Bar anchor",
-							type = "select",
-							values = anchors,
-							get = function() return anchorsDict[db.point[1] or 1] end,
-							set = function(info, v) db.point[1] = anchors[v]; self:ClearBars() end,
-							order = 1
-						},
-						relativeFrame = {
-							name = "Relative Frame",
-							type = "input",
-							get = function() return db.point[2] end,
-							set = function(info, v) db.point[2] = v; self:ClearBars() end,
-							order = 2
-						},
-						relativePoint = {
-							name = "Relative Point",
-							type = "select",
-							values = anchors,
-							get = function() return anchorsDict[db.point[3] or 1] end,
-							set = function(info, v) db.point[3] = anchors[v]; self:ClearBars() end,
-							order = 3
-						},
-						xOfs = {
-							name = "X Offset",
-							type = "input",
-							pattern = "%d",
-							get = function() return tostring(db.point[4] or 0) end,
-							set = function(info, v) db.point[4] = tonumber(anchors[v]); self:ClearBars() end,
-							order = 4
-						},
-						yOfs = {
-							name = "Y Offset",
-							type = "input",
-							pattern = "%d",
-							get = function() return tostring(db.point[5] or 0) end,
-							set = function(info, v) db.point[5] = tonumber(anchors[v]); self:ClearBars() end,
-							order = 4
-						}
-					},
-					order = 7
-				},
-				top = {
-					name = "First is Top",
-					desc = "Toggle whether to place the first bar on top",
-					type = "toggle",
-					get = function() return db.top end,
-					set = function(info, v)
-						db.top = v;
-						db["topDirty"] = true
-						self:ClearBars()
-					end,
-					order = 8
-				},
-				expression = {
-					name = "Bar expression",
-					desc = "Enter the bar's first expression",
-					type = "input",
-					multiline = true,
-					width = "full",
-					get = function() return db.expression end,
-					set = function(info, v)
-						db.expression = v;
-						db["expressionDirty"] = true
-						self:ClearBars()
-					end,
-					order = 9
-				},
-				expression2 = {
-					name = "Bar second expression",
-					desc = "Enter the bar's second expression",
-					type = "input",
-					multiline = true,
-					width = "full",
-					get = function() return db.expression2 end,
-					set = function(info, v)
-						db.expression2 = v ;
-						db["expression2Dirty"] = true
-						self:ClearBars()
-					end,
-					order = 10
-				},
-				min = {
-					name = "Bar min expression",
-					desc = "Enter the bar's minimum expression",
-					type = "input",
-					multiline = true,
-					width = "full",
-					get = function() return db.min end,
-					set = function(info, v)
-						db.min = v;
-						db["minDirty"] = true
-						self:ClearBars()
-					end,
-					order = 11
-				},
-				max = {
-					name = "Bar max expression",
-					desc = "Enter the bar's maximum expression",
-					type = "input",
-					multiline = true,
-					width = "full",
-					get = function() return db.max end,
-					set = function(info, v)
-						db.max = v;
-						db["maxDirty"] = true
-						self:ClearBars()
-					end,
-					order = 12
-				},
-				color1 = {
-					name = "First bar color script",
-					desc = "Enter the bar's first color script",
-					type = "input",
-					multiline = true,
-					width = "full",
-					get = function() return db.color1 end,
-					set = function(info, v)
-						db.color1 = v;
-						db["color1Dirty"] = true
-						self:ClearBars()
-					end,
-					order = 13
-				},
-				color2 = {
-					name = "Second bar color script",
-					desc = "Enter the bar's second color script",
-					type = "input",
-					multiline = true,
-					width = "full",
-					get = function() return db.color2 end,
-					set = function(info, v)
-						db.color2 = v;
-						db["color2Dirty"] = true
-						self:ClearBars()
-					end,
-					order = 13
-				},
-				delete = {
-					name = "Delete",
-					type = "execute",
-					func = function()
-						local delete = true
-						for i, v in ipairs(defaultWidgets) do
-							if db.name == v.name then
-								db.deleted = true
-								delete = false
-							end
-						end
-						if delete then
-							self.db.profile.bars[i] = nil
-						end
-						self:ClearBars()
-						StarTip:RebuildOpts()
-					end,
-					order = 100
-				}
-			}
+			args = WidgetBar:GetOptions(db, StarTip.RebuildOpts, StarTip),
+		}
+		options[db.name:gsub(" ", "_")].args.delete = {
+			name = "Delete",
+			type = "execute",
+			func = function()
+				local delete = true
+				for i, v in ipairs(defaultWidgets) do
+					if db.name == v.name then
+						db.deleted = true
+						delete = false
+					end
+				end
+				if delete then
+					tremove(self.db.profile.bars, i)
+				end
+				self:ClearTexts()
+				StarTip:RebuildOpts()
+			end,
+			order = 100
+		}
+		options[db.name:gsub(" ", "_")].args.enabled = {
+			name = "Enabled",
+			desc = "Whether the histogram's enabled or not",
+			type = "toggle",
+			get = function() return db.enabled end,
+			set = function(info, v)
+				db.enabled = v;
+				db["enabledDirty"] = true
+				self:ClearBars()
+			end,
+			order = 1

diff --git a/Modules/Histograms.lua b/Modules/Histograms.lua
index f03c0d7..bcf7d64 100644
--- a/Modules/Histograms.lua
+++ b/Modules/Histograms.lua
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ local defaultWidgets = {
 		enabled = true,
 		width = 10,
 		height = 50,
-		point = {"TOPLEFT", "GameTooltip", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -12},
+		points = {{"TOPLEFT", "GameTooltip", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -12}},
 		color = [[
 return HPColor(UnitHealth(unit), UnitHealthMax(unit))
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ return HPColor(UnitHealth(unit), UnitHealthMax(unit))
 		enabled = true,
 		width = 10,
 		height = 50,
-		point = {"TOPRIGHT", "GameTooltip", "BOTTOMRIGHT", -100, -12},
+		points = {{"TOPRIGHT", "GameTooltip", "BOTTOMRIGHT", -100, -12}},
 		color = [[
 return PowerColor("RAGE", unit)
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ end
 		char = "0",
 		width = 10,
 		height = 50,
-		point = {"TOPLEFT", "GameTooltip", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -77},
+		points = {{"TOPLEFT", "GameTooltip", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -77}},
 		layer = 1,
 		update = 1000,
 		persistent = true
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ end
 		char = "0",
 		width = 10,
 		height = 50,
-		point = {"TOPRIGHT", "GameTooltip", "BOTTOMRIGHT", -100, -77},
+		points = {{"TOPRIGHT", "GameTooltip", "BOTTOMRIGHT", -100, -77}},
 		layer = 1,
 		update = 1000,
 		persistent = true
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ local optionsDefaults = {
 				height = WidgetHistogram.defaults.height,
 				width = WidgetHistogram.defaults.width,
 				enabled = true,
-				point = {"TOPLEFT", "GameTooltip", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -50},
+				points = {{"TOPLEFT", "GameTooltip", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -50}},
 				texture = LSM:GetDefault("statusbar"),
 				expression = "return random(100)",
 				color = "return 0, 0, 1",
@@ -235,6 +235,7 @@ local function clearHistogram(obj)
 	if not obj then return end
 	for k, v in pairs(obj.bars) do
+		v:Hide()
@@ -281,14 +282,16 @@ local function createHistograms()
 					local bar = new()
 					bar:SetStatusBarTexture(LSM:Fetch("statusbar", v.texture))
-					local arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 = unpack(v.point)-- or {"BOTTOMLEFT", "GameTooltip", "TOPLEFT"})
-					if (v.width > 100) then
-						arg4 = (arg4 or 0) + i * (v.width / 100)
-					else
-						arg4 = (arg4 or 0) + i * v.width
+					for _, point in ipairs(v.points) do
+						local arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 = unpack(point)
+						if (v.width > 100) then
+							arg4 = (arg4 or 0) + i * (v.width / 100)
+						else
+							arg4 = (arg4 or 0) + i * v.width
+						end
+						arg5 = (arg5 or 0)
+						bar:SetPoint(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
-					arg5 = (arg5 or 0)
-					bar:SetPoint(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
 					if v.width then
 						if (v.width > 100) then
 							bar:SetWidth(v.width / 100)
@@ -446,235 +449,39 @@ function mod:RebuildOpts()
 			name = db.name,
 			order = i,
-			args={
-				enabled = {
-					name = "Enable",
-					desc = "Toggle whether this histogram is enabled or not",
-					type = "toggle",
-					get = function() return db.enabled end,
-					set = function(info, v)
-						db.enabled = v
-						db["enabledDirty"] = true
-						self:ClearHistograms()
-					end,
-					order = 1
-				},
-				height = {
-					name = "Histogram height",
-					desc = "Enter the histogram's height",
-					type = "input",
-					pattern = "%d",
-					get = function() return tostring(db.height or defaults.height) end,
-					set = function(info, v)
-						db.height = tonumber(v);
-						db["heightDirty"] = true
-						self:ClearHistograms()
-					end,
-					order = 2
-				},
-				width = {
-					name = "Histogram width",
-					desc = "Enter the histogram's width",
-					type = "input",
-					pattern = "%d",
-					get = function() return tostring(db.width or defaults.width) end,
-					set = function(info, v)
-						db.width = tonumber(v)
-						db["widthDirty"] = true
-						self:ClearHistograms()
-					end,
-					order = 3
-				},
-				layer = {
-					name = "Histogram Layer",
-					desc = "Enter the histogram's layer",
-					type = "input",
-					pattern = "%d",
-					get = function() return tostring(db.layer or 0) end,
-					set = function(info, v) db.layer = tonumber(v) end,
-					order = 4
-				},
-				update = {
-					name = "Histogram update rate",
-					desc = "Enter the histogram's refresh rate",
-					type = "input",
-					pattern = "%d",
-					get = function() return tostring(db.update or defaults.update) end,
-					set = function(info, v)
-						db.update = tonumber(v);
-						db["updateDirty"] = true
-						self:ClearHistograms()
-					end,
-					order = 5
-				},
-				--[[direction = {
-					name = "Histogram direction",
-					type = "select",
-					values = WidgetHistogram.directionList,
-					get = function() return db.direction or defaults.direction end,
-					set = function(info, v) db.direction = v; createHistograms()StarTip:RebuildOpts() end,
-					order = 4
-				},
-				style = {
-					name = "Histogram Style",
-					type = "select",
-					values = WidgetHistogram.styleList,
-					get = function() return db.style or defaults.style end,
-					set = function(info, v) db.style = v; createHistograms()StarTip:RebuildOpts() end,
-					order = 5
-				},]]
-				texture = {
-					name = "Texture",
-					desc = "The histogram's texture",
-					type = "select",
-					values = LSM:List("statusbar"),
-					get = function()
-						return StarTip:GetLSMIndexByName("statusbar", db.texture or "Blizzard")
-					end,
-					set = function(info, v)
-						db.texture = LSM:List("statusbar")[v]
-						db["textureDirty"] = true
-						self:ClearHistograms()
-					end,
-					order = 6
-				},
-				point = {
-					name = "Anchor Points",
-					desc = "This histogram's anchor point. These arguments are passed to bar:SetPoint()",
-					type = "group",
-					args = {
-						point = {
-							name = "Bar anchor",
-							type = "select",
-							values = anchors,
-							get = function() return anchorsDict[db.point[1] or 1] end,
-							set = function(info, v) db.point[1] = anchors[v];self:ClearHistograms(); end,
-							order = 1
-						},
-						relativeFrame = {
-							name = "Relative Frame",
-							type = "input",
-							get = function() return db.point[2] end,
-							set = function(info, v) db.point[2] = v; self:ClearHistograms();  end,
-							order = 2
-						},
-						relativePoint = {
-							name = "Relative Point",
-							type = "select",
-							values = anchors,
-							get = function() return anchorsDict[db.point[3] or 1] end,
-							set = function(info, v) db.point[3] = anchors[v]; self:ClearHistograms();  end,
-							order = 3
-						},
-						xOfs = {
-							name = "X Offset",
-							type = "input",
-							pattern = "%d",
-							get = function() return tostring(db.point[4] or 0) end,
-							set = function(info, v) db.point[4] = tonumber(v); self:ClearHistograms();  end,
-							order = 4
-						},
-						yOfs = {
-							name = "Y Offset",
-							type = "input",
-							pattern = "%d",
-							get = function() return tostring(db.point[5] or 0) end,
-							set = function(info, v) db.point[5] = tonumber(v); self:ClearHistograms(); end,
-							order = 4
-						}
-					},
-					order = 7
-				},
-				persistent = {
-					name = "Persistent",
-					desc = "Whether this histogram is persistent or not, meaning it won't stop when the tooltip hides.",
-					type = "toggle",
-					get = function() return db.persistent end,
-					set = function(info, v) db.persistent = v end,
-					order = 8
-				},
-				expression = {
-					name = "Histogram expression",
-					desc = "Enter the histogram's first expression",
-					type = "input",
-					multiline = true,
-					width = "full",
-					get = function() return db.expression end,
-					set = function(info, v)
-						db.expression = v;
-						db["expressionDirty"] = true
-						self:ClearHistograms()
-					end,
-					order = 9
-				},
-				min = {
-					name = "Histogram min expression",
-					desc = "Enter the histogram's minimum expression",
-					type = "input",
-					multiline = true,
-					width = "full",
-					get = function() return db.min end,
-					set = function(info, v)
-						db.min = v;
-						db["minDirty"] = true
-						self:ClearHistograms()
-					end,
-					order = 10
-				},
-				max = {
-					name = "Histogram max expression",
-					desc = "Enter the histogram's maximum expression",
-					type = "input",
-					multiline = true,
-					width = "full",
-					get = function() return db.max end,
-					set = function(info, v)
-						db.max = v;
-						db["maxDirty"] = true
-						self:ClearHistograms()
-					end,
-					order = 11
-				},
-				color = {
-					name = "Histogram color script",
-					desc = "Enter the histogram's color script",
-					type = "input",
-					multiline = true,
-					width = "full",
-					get = function() return db.color end,
-					set = function(info, v)
-						db.color = v;
-						db["colorDirty"] = true
-						self:ClearHistograms()
-					end,
-					order = 12
-				},
-				delete = {
-					name = "Delete",
-					desc = "Delete this widget",
-					type = "execute",
-					func = function()
-						local delete = true
-						for i, v in ipairs(defaultWidgets) do
-							if db.name == v.name then
-								db.deleted = true
-								delete = false
-							end
-						end
-						if delete then
-							self.db.profile.histograms[i] = nil
-						end
-						self:ClearHistograms()
-						StarTip:RebuildOpts()
-					end,
-					order = 13
-				}
-			}
+			args=WidgetHistogram:GetOptions(db, StarTip.RebuildOpts, StarTip)
+		}
+		options[db.name:gsub(" ", "_")].args.delete = {
+			name = "Delete",
+			desc = "Delete this widget",
+			type = "execute",
+			func = function()
+				local delete = true
+				for i, v in ipairs(defaultWidgets) do
+					if db.name == v.name then
+						db.deleted = true
+						delete = false
+					end
+				end
+				if delete then
+					self.db.profile.histograms[i] = nil
+				end
+				self:ClearHistograms()
+				StarTip:RebuildOpts()
+			end,
+			order = 13
+		}
+		options[db.name:gsub(" ", "_")].args.enabled = {
+			name = "Enable",
+			desc = "Toggle whether this histogram is enabled or not",
+			type = "toggle",
+			get = function() return db.enabled end,
+			set = function(info, v)
+				db.enabled = v
+				db["enabledDirty"] = true
+				self:ClearHistograms()
+			end,
+			order = 1
diff --git a/Modules/Text.lua b/Modules/Text.lua
index 2aaf568..d3598ee 100644
--- a/Modules/Text.lua
+++ b/Modules/Text.lua
@@ -69,8 +69,10 @@ return ClassColor(unit)
 		speed = 100,
 		direction = SCROLL_LEFT,
 		dontRtrim = true,
-		point = {"BOTTOMLEFT", "GameTooltip", "TOPLEFT", 0, 12},
+		points = {{"BOTTOMLEFT", "GameTooltip", "TOPLEFT", 0, 12}},
 		parent = "GameTooltip",
+		strata = 1,
+		level = 1
 	[2] = {
 		name = "Health",
@@ -88,8 +90,10 @@ return HPColor(health, max)
 		cols = 20,
 		update = 1000,
-		point = {"TOPLEFT", "GameTooltip", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 1},
-		parent = "GameTooltip"
+		points = {{"TOPLEFT", "GameTooltip", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 1}},
+		parent = "GameTooltip",
+		strata = 1,
+		level = 1
 	[3] = {
 		name = "Power",
@@ -108,8 +112,10 @@ return HPColor(mana, max)
 		cols = 20,
 		update = 1000,
 		align = WidgetText.ALIGN_RIGHT,
-		point = {"TOPRIGHT", "GameTooltip", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 1},
-		parent = "GameTooltip"
+		points = {{"TOPRIGHT", "GameTooltip", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 1}},
+		parent = "GameTooltip",
+		strata = 1,
+		level = 1
 	[4] = {
 		name = "Memory Percent",
@@ -138,8 +144,10 @@ end
 		cols = 20,
 		update = 1000,
 		dontRtrim = true,
-		point = {"TOPLEFT", "GameTooltip", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -62},
-		parent = "GameTooltip"
+		points = {{"TOPLEFT", "GameTooltip", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -62}},
+		parent = "GameTooltip",
+		strata = 1,
+		level = 1
 	[5] = {
 		name = "Memory Total",
@@ -158,8 +166,10 @@ return 1, 1, 0
 		cols = 20,
 		update = 1000,
 		dontRtrim = true,
-		point = {"TOPLEFT", "GameTooltip", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -124},
-		parent = "GameTooltip"
+		points = {{"TOPLEFT", "GameTooltip", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -124}},
+		parent = "GameTooltip",
+		strata = 1,
+		level = 1
 	[6] = {
 		name = "CPU Percent",
@@ -184,8 +194,10 @@ end
 		align = WidgetText.ALIGN_RIGHT,
 		update = 1000,
 		dontRtrim = true,
-		point = {"TOPRIGHT", "GameTooltip", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -62},
-		parent = "GameTooltip"
+		points = {{"TOPRIGHT", "GameTooltip", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -62}},
+		parent = "GameTooltip",
+		strata = 1,
+		level = 1
 	[7] = {
 		name = "CPU Total",
@@ -205,8 +217,10 @@ return 1, 1, 0
 		align = WidgetText.ALIGN_RIGHT,
 		update = 1000,
 		dontRtrim = true,
-		point = {"TOPRIGHT", "GameTooltip", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -124},
-		parent = "GameTooltip"
+		points = {{"TOPRIGHT", "GameTooltip", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -124}},
+		parent = "GameTooltip",
+		strata = 1,
+		level = 1

@@ -229,9 +243,11 @@ local optionsDefaults = {
 				min = "return 0",
 				max = "return 100",
 				height = 6,
-				point = {"BOTTOMLEFT", "GameTooltip", "TOPLEFT"},
+				points = {{"BOTTOMLEFT", "GameTooltip", "TOPLEFT"}},
 				texture = LSM:GetDefault("statustext"),
 				expression = "",
+				strata = 1,
+				level = 1,
 				custom = true
 			tinsert(mod.db.profile.texts, widget)
@@ -253,7 +269,9 @@ local optionsDefaults = {

 function updateText(widget)
-	widget.text:SetText(widget.buffer)
+	widget.text.fontstring:SetText(widget.buffer)
+	widget.text:SetHeight(widget.text.fontstring:GetStringHeight())
+	widget.text:SetWidth(widget.text.fontstring:GetStringWidth())

 	local r, g, b = 0, 0, 1

@@ -262,7 +280,7 @@ function updateText(widget)

 	if type(r) == "number" then
-		widget.text:SetVertexColor(r, g, b, a)
+		widget.text.fontstring:SetVertexColor(r, g, b, a)

@@ -276,14 +294,25 @@ local new, del
 	local pool = {}
 	local i = 0
-	function new(cols)
+	function new()
 		local text = next(pool)

 		if text then
 			pool[text] = nil
-			text = GameTooltip:CreateFontString()
-			text:SetFontObject(GameTooltipText)
+			local frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
+			frame:SetParent(UIParent)
+			frame:SetBackdrop({
+				insets = {left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0},
+			})
+			frame:ClearAllPoints()
+			frame:SetAlpha(1)
+			local fs = frame:CreateFontString()
+			fs:SetAllPoints(frame)
+			fs:SetFontObject(GameTooltipText)
+			fs:Show()
+			frame.fontstring = fs
+			text = frame

 		return text
@@ -296,15 +325,18 @@ end
 local defaultPoint = {"BOTTOMLEFT", "GameTooltip", "TOPLEFT"}

 local strataNameList = {

-local strataLocaleList = {"Background", "Low", "Medium", "High", "Dialog", "Fullscreen", "Fullscreen Dialog", "Tooltip"}
+local strataLocaleList = {
+	"Tooltip", "Fullscreen Dialog", "Fullscreen", "Dialog", "High", "Medium", "Low", "Background"

 local function clearText(obj)
 	local widget = mod.texts[obj]
 	if not widget then return end
+	widget.text:Hide()

@@ -324,19 +356,26 @@ function createTexts()
 	local appearance = StarTip:GetModule("Appearance")
 	for i, v in ipairs(self.db.profile.texts) do
-		if v.enabled and not v.deleted then
-			local text = new(v.cols or WidgetText.defaults.cols)
-			local widget = mod.texts[v] or WidgetText:New(mod.core, v.name, v, v.row or 0, v.col or 0, v.layer or 0, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel, updateText)
-			widget.config.unit = StarTip.unit
-			text:ClearAllPoints()
-			text:SetParent(v.parent)
-			local arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 = unpack(v.point)
-			arg4 = (arg4 or 0)
-			arg5 = (arg5 or 0)
-			text:SetPoint(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
-			text:Show()
-			widget.text = text
-			mod.texts[v] = widget
+		if v.enabled and not v.deleted then
+			local widget = mod.texts[v]
+			if not widget then
+				local text = new()
+				widget = WidgetText:New(mod.core, v.name, v, v.row or 0, v.col or 0, v.layer or 0, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel, updateText)
+				text:ClearAllPoints()
+				text:SetParent(v.parent)
+				for j, point in ipairs(v.points) do
+					local arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 = unpack(point)
+					arg4 = (arg4 or 0)
+					arg5 = (arg5 or 0)
+					text:SetPoint(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
+				end
+				text:SetFrameStrata(strataNameList[v.strata or 1])
+				text:SetFrameLevel(v.level or 1)
+				text:Show()
+				widget.text = text
+				mod.texts[v] = widget
+			end
+			widget.config.unit = StarTip.unit
@@ -442,7 +481,6 @@ end
 function mod:RebuildOpts()
 	local defaults = WidgetText.defaults
 	for k, v in pairs(optionsDefaults) do
 		options[k] = v
@@ -453,7 +491,7 @@ function mod:RebuildOpts()
 			name = db.name,
 			order = i,
-			args=WidgetText:GetOptions(StarTip, db)
+			args=WidgetText:GetOptions(db, StarTip.RebuildOpts, StarTip)
 		options[db.name:gsub(" ", "_")].args.delete = {
 			name = "Delete",
@@ -467,13 +505,25 @@ function mod:RebuildOpts()
 				if delete then
-					self.db.profile.texts[i] = nil
+					tremove(self.db.profile.texts, i)
 			order = 100
+		options[db.name:gsub(" ", "_")].args.enabled = {
+			name = "Enabled",
+			desc = "Whether the histogram's enabled or not",
+			type = "toggle",
+			get = function() return db.enabled end,
+			set = function(info, v)
+				db.enabled = v;
+				db["enabledDirty"] = true
+				self:ClearTexts()
+			end,
+			order = 1
+		}