
* Removed old database upgrading code

James Whitehead II [04-05-08 - 15:56]
* Removed old database upgrading code
* Added version field to table of contents
diff --git a/Clique.lua b/Clique.lua
index b44fd58..1b56025 100644
--- a/Clique.lua
+++ b/Clique.lua
@@ -6,30 +6,12 @@ Clique = {Locals = {}}

 assert(DongleStub, string.format("Clique requires DongleStub."))
 DongleStub("Dongle-1.1"):New("Clique", Clique)
-Clique.rev = tonumber(string.match("$Revision$", "(%d+)") or 1)
+Clique.version = GetAddOnMetadata("Clique", "Version")
+if Clique.version == "wowi:revision" then Clique.version = "SVN" end

 local L = Clique.Locals

 function Clique:Initialize()
-	-- This is a small procedure to update the saved variables
-	CliqueDB = CliqueDB or {}
-	local sv = CliqueDB
-	CliqueDB.global = CliqueDB.global or {}
-	if CliqueDB.global.sv_converted then
-		CliqueDB.global.sv_converted = nil
-		CliqueDB.global.sv_version = self.rev
-	elseif CliqueDB.global.sv_version and (CliqueDB.global.sv_version > self.rev) then
-		-- Got the bad rev number, revert
-		CliqueDB.global.sv_version = self.rev
-	elseif CliqueDB.global.sv_version and (CliqueDB.global.sv_version < 73) then
-		-- We do this once, to make sure we catch everyone from
-		-- the last version of CliqueDB
-		self:Print("You're upgrading from an old version of Clique")
-		CliqueDB = {}
-		self:Print("All settings have been set to default")
-	end

 function Clique:Enable()
@@ -685,4 +667,4 @@ function Clique:ToggleTooltip()
 	self:PrintF("Listing of bindings in tooltips has been %s",
 	self.profile.tooltips and "Enabled" or "Disabled")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Clique.toc b/Clique.toc
index 4696572..cc28b1d 100644
--- a/Clique.toc
+++ b/Clique.toc
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 ## Interface: 20400
 ## Title: Clique
 ## Author: Cladhaire
+## Version: wowi:revision
 ## Notes: Simply powerful click-casting interface
 ## SavedVariables: CliqueDB
 ## OptionalDeps: Dongle
diff --git a/CliqueOptions.lua b/CliqueOptions.lua
index c698235..5345b0f 100644
--- a/CliqueOptions.lua
+++ b/CliqueOptions.lua
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ function Clique:CreateOptionsFrame()
     frame:SetPoint("LEFT", SpellBookFrame, "RIGHT", 15, 30)
-	frame.title:SetText("Clique Rev. " .. Clique.rev);
+	frame.title:SetText("Clique v. " .. Clique.version);
 	frame:SetScript("OnShow", function()
 		if Clique.inuse then