Create our own changelog and let the packagers use it
Adrian L Lange [08-31-14 - 13:44]
Create our own changelog and let the packagers use it
diff --git a/.pkgmeta b/.pkgmeta
index 656e0c2..162fc0b 100644
--- a/.pkgmeta
+++ b/.pkgmeta
@@ -1 +1,5 @@
package-as: BonusRollPreview
+ filename:
+ markup-type: markdown
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35c440b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+## Changes in 50400.18-Release:
+- Added: Blacklist for raid mounts and Garrosh heirlooms as they cannot be rewarded by a bonus roll
+- Added: Highlight texture to the loot specialization buttons
+- Fixed: ShoppingTooltip3 is gone in the "Warlords of Draenor" expansion
+- Fixed: Container not showing on second roll
+- Fixed: Loot specialization buttons not showing on first use
+## Changes in 50400.17-Release:
+- Fixed: Delay the populate direction logic until the bonus roll frame has been positioned
+## Changes in 50400.16-Release:
+- Added: License
+- Added: Custom dropdown to avoid tainting default UI
+- Changed: Use fancy logic to populate the item list upwards or downwards
+- Removed: Options
+## Changes in 50400.14-Release:
+- Changed: Rename the addon to "BonusRollPreview"
+- Fixed: Options not being selected/shown when using chat command
+## Changes in 50400.13-Release:
+- Added: Scrolling item list to avoid the list going off the screen on some bosses
+- Changed: Prepare for the "Warlords of Draenor" expansion by rewriting the database
+- Changed: The Celestial bosses share the same spellID, only register one
+- Fixed: Delay the Galakras encounterID check until player login
+## Changes in 50400.12-Release:
+- Fixed: Apparently Galakras have different encounterIDs from client to client
+## Changes in 50400.11-Release:
+- Fixed: Incorrect encounterID for Galakras
+## Changes in 50400.10-Release:
+- Added: Support for the "alwaysCompareItems" cvar
+- Changed: Update encounters database
+- Changed: Update Interface version
+- Fixed: Instance difficulty
+## Changes in 50300.8-Beta:
+- Added: Options
+- Added: Support for loot specialization
+- Changed: Update Interface version
+## Changes in 50300.7-Beta:
+- Added: Support for 5.3's API changes
+## Changes in 50200.6-Beta:
+- Fixed: Incorrect spellID for Galleon
+## Changes in 50200.5-Beta:
+- Changed: Disable the journal when we're changing it's variables
+- Fixed: Positioning of the different elements
+## Changes in 50200.4-Beta:
+- Added: Logic to support populating the list downwards
+- Added: Error reporting to the chat
+- Changed: Create the specialization buttons on demand
+- Changed: Create the handle on demand
+- Changed: Set the encounterID to the journal to force correct loot
+- Fixed: Proper difficulty index based on default UI
+- Fixed: Item list items storing
+- Fixed: Item list height
+- Fixed: Item tooltip position
+- Fixed: Issues with item population due to misspelled event "EJ_LOOT_DATA_RECIEVED"
+## Changes in 50200.3-Beta:
+- Added: Specialization buttons
+- Added: Notice if there are no items
+- Fixed: Item list populating and clearing
+- Fixed: Framelevel issues with the textures and frames
+## Changes in 50200.2-Beta:
+- Fixed: Difficulty index
+## Changes in 50200.1-Beta:
+- First public release