
Added widgets to configure what is shown when in the tooltip

Kevin Lyles [11-20-09 - 07:56]
Added widgets to configure what is shown when in the tooltip
Updated default vars
Added upgrade function
diff --git a/Upgrade.lua b/Upgrade.lua
index c8aae27..fcd29cc 100644
--- a/Upgrade.lua
+++ b/Upgrade.lua
@@ -124,6 +124,86 @@ noop_down = [[

+function upgradeAccountToConfig(vars)
+	local table = vars.options.tooltip
+	local conversion = {
+		[true] = "Always",
+		[false] = "Never",
+		["LSHIFT"] = "Left Shift",
+		["RSHIFT"] = "Right Shift",
+		["SHIFT"] = "Shift",
+		["LALT"] = "Left Alt",
+		["RALT"] = "Right Alt",
+		["ALT"] = "Alt",
+		["LCTRL"] = "Left Control",
+		["RCTRL"] = "Right Control",
+		["CTRL"] = "Control",
+	}
+	local keys = {
+		["showIdealGemStats"] = true,
+		["showIdealWeights"] = true,
+		["showWeights"] = true,
+		["showIdealGems"] = true,
+	}
+	for key, value in pairs(table) do
+		if keys[key] then
+			if conversion[value] == nil then
+				if type(value) ~= "string" then
+					value = "type: " .. type(value)
+				end
+				print("WeightsWatcher: error: invalid value in tooltip options: " .. value)
+				return nil
+			end
+			table[key] = conversion[value]
+		end
+	end
+	vars.dataMinorVersion = 10
+	return vars
+downgradeAccountFromConfig = [[
+	return function(vars)
+		local table = vars.options.tooltip
+		local conversion = {
+			["Always"] = true,
+			["Never"] = false,
+			["Left Shift"] = "LSHIFT",
+			["Right Shift"] = "RSHIFT",
+			["Shift"] = "SHIFT",
+			["Left Alt"] = "LALT",
+			["Right Alt"] = "RALT",
+			["Alt"] = "ALT",
+			["Left Control"] = "LCTRL",
+			["Right Control"] = "RCTRL",
+			["Control"] = "CTRL",
+		}
+		local keys = {
+			["showIdealGemStats"] = true,
+			["showIdealWeights"] = true,
+			["showWeights"] = true,
+			["showIdealGems"] = true,
+		}
+		for key, value in pairs(table) do
+			if keys[key] then
+				if conversion[value] == nil then
+					if type(value) ~= "string" then
+						value = "type: " .. type(value)
+					end
+					print("WeightsWatcher: error: invalid value in tooltip options: " .. value)
+					return nil
+				end
+				table[key] = conversion[value]
+			end
+		end
+		vars.dataMinorVersion = 9
+		return vars
+	end
 function upgradeAccountForceGemColors(vars)
 	if vars.options.breakSocketColors == nil then
 		vars.options.breakSocketColors = true
@@ -308,6 +388,7 @@ upgradeAccountFunctions = {
 		[6] = function(vars) return upgradeAccountShowClassNames(vars) end,
 		[7] = function(vars) return upgradeAccountHideModKeyHints(vars) end,
 		[8] = function(vars) return upgradeAccountForceGemColors(vars) end,
+		[9] = function(vars) return upgradeAccountToConfig(vars) end,

@@ -321,6 +402,7 @@ downgradeAccountFunctions = {
 		[7] = noop_down,
 		[8] = noop_down,
 		[9] = noop_down,
+		[10] = downgradeAccountFromConfig,

diff --git a/WeightsWatcher.lua b/WeightsWatcher.lua
index 214110d..ec4199b 100644
--- a/WeightsWatcher.lua
+++ b/WeightsWatcher.lua
@@ -276,19 +276,19 @@ function WeightsWatcher:displayItemStats(tooltip, ttname)
 					if not ww_vars.options.tooltip.hideHints and not keyDetectors[ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealGems]() then
-						if ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealGems then
+						if ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealGems ~= "Never" then
 							tooltip:AddLine("<Press " .. ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealGems .. " to show ideal gems>")
 					elseif not ww_vars.options.tooltip.hideHints and not keyDetectors[ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealGemStats]() then
-						if ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealGemStats then
+						if ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealGemStats ~= "Never" then
 							tooltip:AddLine("<Press " .. ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealGemStats .. " to show ideal gem stats>")
-				elseif not ww_vars.options.tooltip.hideHints and ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealWeights then
+				elseif not ww_vars.options.tooltip.hideHints and ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealWeights ~= "Never" then
 					tooltip:AddLine("<Press " .. ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealWeights .. " to show ideal weights>")
-		elseif not ww_vars.options.tooltip.hideHints and ww_vars.options.tooltip.showWeights then
+		elseif not ww_vars.options.tooltip.hideHints and ww_vars.options.tooltip.showWeights ~= "Never" then
 			tooltip:AddLine("<Press " .. ww_vars.options.tooltip.showWeights .. " to show weights>")
diff --git a/config.lua b/config.lua
index 86f5a83..d32eda4 100644
--- a/config.lua
+++ b/config.lua
@@ -60,3 +60,21 @@ function GemQualityDropDownOnClick(choice, dropdown)
 	ww_vars.options.gemQualityLimit = choice.value
 	ww_weightIdealCache = {}
+function ModifierKeyDropDownInitialize(dropdown)
+	local info = {}
+	info.func = ModifierKeyDropDownOnClick
+	info.arg1 = dropdown
+	for _, value in ipairs(keyDetectors) do
+		info.text = value
+		info.value = value
+		info.checked = nil
+		UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info)
+	end
+function ModifierKeyDropDownOnClick(choice, dropdown)
+	UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(dropdown, choice.value, false)
+	ww_vars.options.tooltip[dropdown:GetText()] = choice.value
diff --git a/config.xml b/config.xml
index f07d49f..cee1e11 100644
--- a/config.xml
+++ b/config.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,18 @@
 <Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
 		xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/ ..\FrameXML\UI.xsd">
 	<Script file="config.lua"/>
+	<Button name="ww_modifierKeyDropDown" inherits="UIDropDownMenuTemplate" virtual="true">
+		<Scripts>
+			<OnLoad>
+				UIDropDownMenu_JustifyText(self, "LEFT")
+				self:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self:GetName() .. "Label", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -5)
+			</OnLoad>
+			<OnShow>
+				UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(self, ModifierKeyDropDownInitialize)
+				UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(self, ww_vars.options.tooltip[self:GetText()])
+			</OnShow>
+		</Scripts>
+	</Button>
 	<Frame name="ww_config" parent="UIParent" hidden="true" frameStrata="HIGH">
 			<AbsDimension x="600" y="600"/>
@@ -27,6 +39,42 @@
+				<FontString name="$parentShowWeightsLabel" parentKey="showWeightsLabel" text="Show weights:" inherits="GameFontNormal">
+					<Anchors>
+						<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
+							<Offset>
+								<AbsDimension x="5" y="-90"/>
+							</Offset>
+						</Anchor>
+					</Anchors>
+				</FontString>
+				<FontString name="$parentShowIdealWeightsLabel" parentKey="showIdealWeightsLabel" text="Show ideal weights:" inherits="GameFontNormal">
+					<Anchors>
+						<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
+							<Offset>
+								<AbsDimension x="5" y="-140"/>
+							</Offset>
+						</Anchor>
+					</Anchors>
+				</FontString>
+				<FontString name="$parentShowIdealGemsLabel" parentKey="showIdealGemsLabel" text="Show ideal gems:" inherits="GameFontNormal">
+					<Anchors>
+						<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
+							<Offset>
+								<AbsDimension x="5" y="-190"/>
+							</Offset>
+						</Anchor>
+					</Anchors>
+				</FontString>
+				<FontString name="$parentShowIdealGemStatsLabel" parentKey="showIdealGemStatsLabel" text="Show ideal gem stats:" inherits="GameFontNormal">
+					<Anchors>
+						<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
+							<Offset>
+								<AbsDimension x="5" y="-240"/>
+							</Offset>
+						</Anchor>
+					</Anchors>
+				</FontString>
@@ -91,6 +139,10 @@
+			<Button name="$parentShowWeights" parentKey="showWeights" inherits="ww_modifierKeyDropDown" text="showWeights"/>
+			<Button name="$parentShowIdealWeights" parentKey="showIdealWeights" inherits="ww_modifierKeyDropDown" text="showIdealWeights"/>
+			<Button name="$parentShowIdealGems" parentKey="showIdealGems" inherits="ww_modifierKeyDropDown" text="showIdealGems"/>
+			<Button name="$parentShowIdealGemStats" parentKey="showIdealGemStats" inherits="ww_modifierKeyDropDown" text="showIdealGemStats"/>
diff --git a/defaults.lua b/defaults.lua
index 16d9ec0..14cfd95 100644
--- a/defaults.lua
+++ b/defaults.lua
@@ -101,22 +101,33 @@ gemQualityNames = {

 keyDetectors = {
-	[true] = function() return true end,
-	[false] = function() return false end,
-	["LSHIFT"] = IsLeftShiftKeyDown,
-	["RSHIFT"] = IsRightShiftKeyDown,
-	["SHIFT"] = IsShiftKeyDown,
-	["LALT"] = IsLeftAltKeyDown,
-	["RALT"] = IsRightAltKeyDown,
-	["ALT"] = IsAltKeyDown,
-	["LCTRL"] = IsLeftControlKeyDown,
-	["RCTRL"] = IsRightControlKeyDown,
-	["CTRL"] = IsControlKeyDown,
+	[1] = "Always",
+	[2] = "Never",
+	[3] = "Shift",
+	[4] = "Control",
+	[5] = "Alt",
+	[6] = "Left Shift",
+	[7] = "Right Shift",
+	[8] = "Left Control",
+	[9] = "Right Control",
+	[10] = "Left Alt",
+	[11] = "Right Alt",
+	["Always"] = function() return true end,
+	["Never"] = function() return false end,
+	["Left Shift"] = IsLeftShiftKeyDown,
+	["Right Shift"] = IsRightShiftKeyDown,
+	["Shift"] = IsShiftKeyDown,
+	["Left Alt"] = IsLeftAltKeyDown,
+	["Right Alt"] = IsRightAltKeyDown,
+	["Alt"] = IsAltKeyDown,
+	["Left Control"] = IsLeftControlKeyDown,
+	["Right Control"] = IsRightControlKeyDown,
+	["Control"] = IsControlKeyDown,

 defaultVars = {
 	dataMajorVersion = 0,
-	dataMinorVersion = 9,
+	dataMinorVersion = 10,
 	weightsList = {
 		[1] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
 		[2] = "DRUID",
@@ -516,10 +527,10 @@ defaultVars = {
 		showClassNames = "Others",
 		tooltip = {
 			hideHints = false,
-			showWeights = true,
-			showIdealWeights = "SHIFT",
-			showIdealGems = "CTRL",
-			showIdealGemStats = true,
+			showWeights = "Always",
+			showIdealWeights = "Shift",
+			showIdealGems = "Control",
+			showIdealGemStats = "Always",