Fix trouble with tradeskill module #43 & #40
Mikeprod [06-16-17 - 20:16]
Fix trouble with tradeskill module #43 & #40
diff --git a/modules/tradeskill.lua b/modules/tradeskill.lua
index c840c1c..5e51235 100644
--- a/modules/tradeskill.lua
+++ b/modules/tradeskill.lua
@@ -52,12 +52,14 @@ end
function TradeskillModule:UpdateProfValues()
if self.prof1 then
local _, _, skill, cap, _ = GetProfessionInfo(self.prof1)
+ if not GetProfessionInfo(self.prof1) then return end
self.firstProfBar:SetMinMaxValues(1, cap)
if self.prof2 then
local _, _, skill, cap, _ = GetProfessionInfo(self.prof2)
+ if not GetProfessionInfo(self.prof2) then return end
self.secondProfBar:SetMinMaxValues(1, cap)
@@ -111,6 +113,7 @@ function TradeskillModule:StyleTradeskillFrame(framePrefix, profIndex)
local db = xb.db.profile
local iconSize = db.text.fontSize + db.general.barPadding
local name, _, skill, cap, _, spellOffset, skillLine, _ = GetProfessionInfo(profIndex)
+ if not name then return end
local icon = xb.constants.mediaPath..'profession\\'..self.profIcons[skillLine]
local textHeight = floor((xb:GetHeight() - 4) / 2)