Added a custom tag for Rehok (health:current:sl-rehok)
Repooc [11-02-16 - 20:57]
Added a custom tag for Rehok (health:current:sl-rehok)
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/unitframes/unitframes.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/modules/unitframes/unitframes.lua
index 165e677..52d3009 100644
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/unitframes/unitframes.lua
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/modules/unitframes/unitframes.lua
@@ -7,6 +7,27 @@ local _G = _G
local UnitGetTotalAbsorbs = UnitGetTotalAbsorbs
function SUF:NewTags()
+ _G["ElvUF"].Tags.Methods['health:current:sl-rehok'] = function(unit)
+ local status = UnitIsDead(unit) and L["Dead"] or UnitIsGhost(unit) and L["Ghost"] or not UnitIsConnected(unit) and L["Offline"]
+ if (status) then
+ return status
+ else
+ local curHealth = UnitHealth(unit)
+ local perHealth = (UnitHealth(unit)/UnitHealthMax(unit))*100
+ local id = UnitIsDead("player")
+ if curHealth >= 1e9 then
+ return format("%.2fB", curHealth / 1e9) .. " | " .. format("%.0f", perHealth)
+ elseif curHealth >= 1e6 then
+ return format("%.2fM", curHealth / 1e6) .. " | " .. format("%.0f", perHealth)
+ elseif curHealth >= 1e3 then
+ return format("%.0fk", curHealth / 1e3) .. " | " .. format("%.0f", perHealth)
+ else
+ return format("%d", curHealth) .. " | " .. format("%.1f", perHealth)
+ end
+ end
+ end
_G["ElvUF"].Tags.Methods["range:sl"] = function(unit)
local name, server = T.UnitName(unit)
local rangeText = ''