diff --git a/BagSync.lua b/BagSync.lua
index 0ff5b2e..526b7c0 100644
--- a/BagSync.lua
+++ b/BagSync.lua
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ local BSYC = select(2, ...) --grab the addon namespace
BSYC = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon(BSYC, "BagSync", "AceEvent-3.0", "AceConsole-3.0")
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("BagSync", true)
-local strsub, strsplit, strlower, strmatch, strtrim = string.sub, string.split, string.lower, string.match, string.trim
+local strsub, strsplit, strlower, strmatch, strtrim, gsub, strrep = string.sub, string.split, string.lower, string.match, string.trim, string.gsub, string.rep
local format, tonumber, tostring, tostringall = string.format, tonumber, tostring, tostringall
local tsort, tinsert, unpack = table.sort, table.insert, unpack
local select, pairs, next, type = select, pairs, next, type
@@ -74,11 +74,52 @@ local function tooltipColor(color, str)
return string.format("|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r", (color.r or 1) * 255, (color.g or 1) * 255, (color.b or 1) * 255, tostring(str))
-local function ToShortLink(link)
+local function ParseItemLink(link)
if not link then return nil end
if tonumber(link) then return link end
- --local itemString = string.match(link, "item[%-?%d:]+")
- return link:match("item:(%d+):") or nil
+ local result = link:match("item:([%d:]+)") --strip the item: portion of the string
+ if result then
+ result = gsub(result, ":0:", "::") --supposedly blizzard removed all the zero's in patch 7.0. Lets do it just in case!
+ --return the number of times it has split the item string
+ local countSplit = {strsplit(":", result)}
+ --make sure we have a bonusID count
+ if countSplit and #countSplit > 13 then
+ local count = countSplit[13] -- do we have a bonusID number count?
+ count = count == "" and 0 or count --make sure we have a count if not default to zero
+ count = tonumber(count)
+ --check if we have even anything to work with for the amount of bonusID's
+ --btw any numbers after the bonus ID are either upgradeValue which we don't care about or unknown use right now
+ --http://wow.gamepedia.com/ItemString
+ if count > 0 and countSplit[1] then
+ --return the string with just the bonusID's in it
+ local newItemStr = ""
+ --11th place because 13 is bonus ID, one less from 13 (12) would be technically correct, but we have to compensate for ItemID we added so substract another (11).
+ --string.rep repeats a pattern.
+ newItemStr = countSplit[1]..string.rep(":", 11)
+ --lets add the bonusID's, ignore the end past bonusID's
+ for i=13, (13 + count) do
+ newItemStr = newItemStr..":"..countSplit[i]
+ end
+ --add the unknowns at the end, upgradeValue doesn't always have to be supplied.
+ newItemStr = newItemStr..":::"
+ return newItemStr
+ end
+ end
+ --we don't have any bonusID's that we care about, so return just the ItemID which is the first number
+ return result:match("(%d+):")
+ end
+ --nothing to return so result will return nil
+ return result
local function IsInBG()
@@ -450,12 +491,12 @@ function BSYC:SaveBag(bagname, bagid)
local slotItems = {}
for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(bagid) do
local _, count, _,_,_,_, link = GetContainerItemInfo(bagid, slot)
- if ToShortLink(link) then
+ if ParseItemLink(link) then
count = (count > 1 and count) or nil
if count then
- slotItems[slot] = format("%s,%d", ToShortLink(link), count)
+ slotItems[slot] = format("%s,%d", ParseItemLink(link), count)
- slotItems[slot] = ToShortLink(link)
+ slotItems[slot] = ParseItemLink(link)
@@ -478,13 +519,13 @@ function BSYC:SaveEquipment()
--start at 1, 0 used to be the old range slot (not needed anymore)
for slot = 1, NUM_EQUIPMENT_SLOTS do
local link = GetInventoryItemLink("player", slot)
- if link and ToShortLink(link) then
+ if link and ParseItemLink(link) then
local count = GetInventoryItemCount("player", slot)
count = (count and count > 1) or nil
if count then
- slotItems[slot] = format("%s,%d", ToShortLink(link), count)
+ slotItems[slot] = format("%s,%d", ParseItemLink(link), count)
- slotItems[slot] = ToShortLink(link)
+ slotItems[slot] = ParseItemLink(link)
@@ -549,15 +590,15 @@ function BSYC:ScanGuildBank()
local link = GetGuildBankItemLink(tab, slot)
- if link and ToShortLink(link) then
+ if link and ParseItemLink(link) then
index = index + 1
local _, count = GetGuildBankItemInfo(tab, slot)
count = (count > 1 and count) or nil
if count then
- slotItems[index] = format("%s,%d", ToShortLink(link), count)
+ slotItems[index] = format("%s,%d", ParseItemLink(link), count)
- slotItems[index] = ToShortLink(link)
+ slotItems[index] = ParseItemLink(link)
@@ -594,13 +635,13 @@ function BSYC:ScanMailbox()
local name, itemID, itemTexture, count, quality, canUse = GetInboxItem(mailIndex, i)
local link = GetInboxItemLink(mailIndex, i)
- if name and link and ToShortLink(link) then
+ if name and link and ParseItemLink(link) then
mailCount = mailCount + 1
count = (count > 1 and count) or nil
if count then
- slotItems[mailCount] = format("%s,%d", ToShortLink(link), count)
+ slotItems[mailCount] = format("%s,%d", ParseItemLink(link), count)
- slotItems[mailCount] = ToShortLink(link)
+ slotItems[mailCount] = ParseItemLink(link)
@@ -629,10 +670,10 @@ function BSYC:ScanAuctionHouse()
if name then
local link = GetAuctionItemLink("owner", ahIndex)
local timeLeft = GetAuctionItemTimeLeft("owner", ahIndex)
- if link and ToShortLink(link) and timeLeft then
+ if link and ParseItemLink(link) and timeLeft then
ahCount = ahCount + 1
count = (count or 1)
- slotItems[ahCount] = format("%s,%s,%s", ToShortLink(link), count, timeLeft)
+ slotItems[ahCount] = format("%s,%s,%s", ParseItemLink(link), count, timeLeft)
@@ -885,7 +926,7 @@ function BSYC:AddItemToTooltip(frame, link) --workaround
if not BagSyncOpt.enableTooltips then return end
--if we can't convert the item link then lets just ignore it altogether
- local itemLink = ToShortLink(link)
+ local itemLink = ParseItemLink(link)
if not itemLink then
@@ -1063,7 +1104,7 @@ function BSYC:HookTooltip(tooltip)
if self.isModified then return end
local name, link = self:GetItem()
- if link and ToShortLink(link) then
+ if link and ParseItemLink(link) then
self.isModified = true
BSYC:AddItemToTooltip(self, link)
@@ -1073,11 +1114,11 @@ function BSYC:HookTooltip(tooltip)
if not self.isModified and self.lastHyperLink then
local xName, xLink = GetItemInfo(self.lastHyperLink)
--local title = _G[tooltip:GetName().."TextLeft1"]
- -- if xName and xLink and title and title:GetText() and title:GetText() == xName and ToShortLink(xLink) then --only show info if the tooltip text matches the link
+ -- if xName and xLink and title and title:GetText() and title:GetText() == xName and ParseItemLink(xLink) then --only show info if the tooltip text matches the link
-- self.isModified = true
-- BSYC:AddItemToTooltip(self, xLink)
-- end
- if xLink and ToShortLink(xLink) then --only show info if the tooltip text matches the link
+ if xLink and ParseItemLink(xLink) then --only show info if the tooltip text matches the link
self.isModified = true
BSYC:AddItemToTooltip(self, xLink)
@@ -1088,25 +1129,25 @@ function BSYC:HookTooltip(tooltip)
--Special thanks to GetItem() being broken we need to capture the ItemLink before the tooltip shows sometimes
hooksecurefunc(tooltip, "SetBagItem", function(self, tab, slot)
local link = GetContainerItemLink(tab, slot)
- if link and ToShortLink(link) then
+ if link and ParseItemLink(link) then
self.lastHyperLink = link
hooksecurefunc(tooltip, "SetInventoryItem", function(self, tab, slot)
local link = GetInventoryItemLink(tab, slot)
- if link and ToShortLink(link) then
+ if link and ParseItemLink(link) then
self.lastHyperLink = link
hooksecurefunc(tooltip, "SetGuildBankItem", function(self, tab, slot)
local link = GetGuildBankItemLink(tab, slot)
- if link and ToShortLink(link) then
+ if link and ParseItemLink(link) then
self.lastHyperLink = link
hooksecurefunc(tooltip, "SetHyperlink", function(self, link)
if self.isModified then return end
- if link and ToShortLink(link) then
+ if link and ParseItemLink(link) then
--I'm pretty sure there is a better way to do this but since Recipes fire OnTooltipSetItem with empty/nil GetItem(). There is really no way to my knowledge to grab the current itemID
--without storing the ItemLink from the bag parsing or at least grabbing the current SetHyperLink.
if tooltip:IsVisible() then self.isModified = true end --only do the modifier if the tooltip is showing, because this interferes with ItemRefTooltip if someone clicks it twice in chat
@@ -1120,7 +1161,7 @@ function BSYC:HookTooltip(tooltip)
hooksecurefunc(tooltip, "SetVoidItem", function(self, tab, slot)
if self.isModified then return end
local link = GetVoidItemInfo(tab, slot)
- if link and ToShortLink(link) then
+ if link and ParseItemLink(link) then
self.isModified = true
BSYC:AddItemToTooltip(self, link)
@@ -1128,7 +1169,7 @@ function BSYC:HookTooltip(tooltip)
hooksecurefunc(tooltip, "SetVoidDepositItem", function(self, slot)
if self.isModified then return end
local link = GetVoidTransferDepositInfo(slot)
- if link and ToShortLink(link) then
+ if link and ParseItemLink(link) then
self.isModified = true
BSYC:AddItemToTooltip(self, link)
@@ -1136,7 +1177,7 @@ function BSYC:HookTooltip(tooltip)
hooksecurefunc(tooltip, "SetVoidWithdrawalItem", function(self, slot)
if self.isModified then return end
local link = GetVoidTransferWithdrawalInfo(slot)
- if link and ToShortLink(link) then
+ if link and ParseItemLink(link) then
self.isModified = true
BSYC:AddItemToTooltip(self, link)
@@ -1144,7 +1185,7 @@ function BSYC:HookTooltip(tooltip)
hooksecurefunc(tooltip, "SetRecipeReagentItem", function(self, recipeID, reagentIndex)
if self.isModified then return end
local link = C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipeReagentItemLink(recipeID, reagentIndex)
- if link and ToShortLink(link) then
+ if link and ParseItemLink(link) then
self.isModified = true
BSYC:AddItemToTooltip(self, link)
@@ -1152,7 +1193,7 @@ function BSYC:HookTooltip(tooltip)
hooksecurefunc(tooltip, "SetRecipeResultItem", function(self, recipeID)
if self.isModified then return end
local link = C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipeItemLink(recipeID)
- if link and ToShortLink(link) then
+ if link and ParseItemLink(link) then
self.isModified = true
BSYC:AddItemToTooltip(self, link)
@@ -1160,7 +1201,7 @@ function BSYC:HookTooltip(tooltip)
hooksecurefunc(tooltip, "SetQuestLogItem", function(self, itemType, index)
if self.isModified then return end
local link = GetQuestLogItemLink(itemType, index)
- if link and ToShortLink(link) then
+ if link and ParseItemLink(link) then
self.isModified = true
AddItemToTooltip(self, link)
@@ -1168,14 +1209,14 @@ function BSYC:HookTooltip(tooltip)
hooksecurefunc(tooltip, "SetQuestItem", function(self, itemType, index)
if self.isModified then return end
local link = GetQuestItemLink(itemType, index)
- if link and ToShortLink(link) then
+ if link and ParseItemLink(link) then
self.isModified = true
BSYC:AddItemToTooltip(self, link)
-- hooksecurefunc(tooltip, 'SetItemByID', function(self, link)
-- if self.isModified or not BagSyncOpt.enableTooltips then return end
- -- if link and ToShortLink(link) then
+ -- if link and ParseItemLink(link) then
-- self.isModified = true
-- BSYC:AddItemToTooltip(self, link)
-- end
diff --git a/modules/search.lua b/modules/search.lua
index 5e8155f..a44871e 100644
--- a/modules/search.lua
+++ b/modules/search.lua
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ function Search:DoSearch(searchStr)
for slotID, itemValue in pairs(bagInfo) do
local dblink, dbcount = strsplit(",", itemValue)
if dblink then
- local dName, dItemLink, dRarity, _, _, _, _, _, _, dTexture = GetItemInfo(dblink)
+ local dName, dItemLink, dRarity, _, _, _, _, _, _, dTexture = GetItemInfo("item:"..dblink)
if dName then
--are we checking in our bank,void, etc?
if playerSearch and string.sub(searchStr, 2) == q and string.sub(searchStr, 2) ~= "guild" and yName == BSYC.currentPlayer and not tempList[dblink] then
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ function Search:DoSearch(searchStr)
for q, r in pairs(BSYC.db.guild[v.realm][guildN]) do
local dblink, dbcount = strsplit(",", r)
if dblink then
- local dName, dItemLink, dRarity, _, _, _, _, _, _, dTexture = GetItemInfo(dblink)
+ local dName, dItemLink, dRarity, _, _, _, _, _, _, dTexture = GetItemInfo("item:"..dblink)
if dName then
if playerSearch and string.sub(searchStr, 2) == "guild" and BSYC.db.player.guild and guildN == BSYC.db.player.guild and not tempList[dblink] then
table.insert(searchTable, { name=dName, link=dItemLink, rarity=dRarity, texture=dTexture } )