diff --git a/pError/pError.lua b/pError/pError.lua
index 50a6fed..ef5a1d7 100644
--- a/pError/pError.lua
+++ b/pError/pError.lua
@@ -1,72 +1,95 @@
-local function OnEvent(self, event, ...)
- if(event == 'UI_ERROR_MESSAGE') then
- local str = ...
- if(pErrorDB2.all) then
- return
- else
- for k,v in ipairs(pErrorDB2.blacklist) do
- if(string.find(string.lower(str), string.lower(v))) then return end
- end
- end
- end
- return UIErrorsFrame_OnEvent(self, event, ...)
+local find = string.find
+local lower = string.lower
+local format = string.format
-local function OnLoad(self, event, addon)
- if(addon ~= 'pError') then return end
+local next = next
+local remove = table.remove
+local insert = table.insert
- pErrorDB2 = pErrorDB2 or {all = false, blacklist = {}}
+local orig = UIErrorsFrame:GetScript('OnEvent')
- UIErrorsFrame:SetScript('OnEvent', OnEvent)
- self:UnregisterEvent(event)
+local function msg(...)
+ print(format('|cffff8080pError:|r %s', ...))
-local function pprint(...)
- print(string.format('|cffff8080pError:|r %s', ...))
+local function loadDefaults()
+ local revert = pErrorDB2 or {} -- remove at 3.1
+ pErrorDB = setmetatable(pErrorDB or revert, {__index = {all = false, blacklist = {}}})
-local addon = CreateFrame('Frame')
-addon:SetScript('OnEvent', OnLoad)
+local function slashCommand(str)
+ str = lower(str)
-SLASH_PERROR1 = '/perror'
-SlashCmdList.PERROR = function(str)
if(str == 'reset') then
- pErrorDB2 = {all = false, blacklist = {}}
- pprint('Savedvariables is now reset')
+ wipe(pErrorDB)
+ loadDefaults()
+ msg('Savedvariables are now reset to default')
elseif(str == 'all') then
- pErrorDB2.all = not pErrorDB2.all
- pprint(string.format('Filtering of all events turned %s', pErrorDB2.all and 'on' or 'off'))
+ pErrorDB.all = not pErrorDB.all
+ msg(format('Filtering all events turned %s', pErrorDB.all and 'on' or 'off'))
elseif(str == 'list') then
- if(pErrorDB2.all) then
- pprint('Filtering all events!')
- elseif(not pErrorDB2.blacklist[1]) then
- pprint('Database is empty')
+ if(pErrorDB.all) then
+ msg('Filtering all events!')
+ elseif(not pErrorDB.blacklist[1]) then
+ msg('Database is empty')
- pprint('Listing database of events:')
- for k,v in pairs(pErrorDB2.blacklist) do
- pprint(format(' \'%s\'', v))
+ msg('Listing database of events:')
+ for k, v in next, pErrorDB.blacklist do
+ msg(format('|cff95ff95 \'%s\'|r', v))
elseif(#str > 0) then
- if(pErrorDB2.all) then
- pprint('Can\'t add to database, pError is filtering all events')
+ if(pErrorDB.all) then
+ msg('Can\'t add to database, pError is filtering all events')
- local num = 0
- for k,v in ipairs(pErrorDB2.blacklist) do
- num = num + 1
- if(string.find(string.lower(str), string.lower(v))) then
- table.remove(pErrorDB2.blacklist, num)
- pprint(format('\'%s\' removed', v))
- return
+ for k, v in next, pErrorDB.blacklist do
+ if(find(str, v)) then
+ remove(pErrorDB.blacklist, k)
+ return msg(format('Removed |cff95ff95\'%s\'|r from the database', v))
- table.insert(pErrorDB2.blacklist, str)
- pprint(format('Added \'%s\' to the database', str))
+ insert(pErrorDB.blacklist, str)
+ msg(format('Added |cff95ff95\'%s\'|r to the database', str))
- pprint('Please provide an error string')
+ msg('Please provide an error string')
\ No newline at end of file
+local function onEvent(self, event, str, ...)
+ if(event == 'UI_ERROR_MESSAGE') then
+ if(pErrorDB.all) then
+ return
+ else
+ for k, v in next, pErrorDB.blacklist do
+ if(find(lower(str), v)) then return end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return orig(self, event, str, ...)
+local function onLoad(self, event, addon)
+ if(addon ~= 'pError') then return end
+ self:UnregisterEvent(event)
+ loadDefaults()
+ -- rollback function, remove soon!
+ for k, v in next, pErrorDB.blacklist do
+ remove(pErrorDB.blacklist, k)
+ insert(pErrorDB.blacklist, lower(v))
+ end
+ SLASH_pError1 = '/perror'
+ SlashCmdList.pError = slashCommand
+ UIErrorsFrame:SetScript('OnEvent', onEvent)
+local addon = CreateFrame('Frame')
+addon:SetScript('OnEvent', onLoad)
\ No newline at end of file