
Talents are now a plugin, so we remove the Talents module and add a default talent line in the UnitTooltip module.

Scott Sibley [09-16-10 - 02:09]
Talents are now a plugin, so we remove the Talents module and add a default talent line in the UnitTooltip module.
diff --git a/Modules/Talents.lua b/Modules/Talents.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c3fdd3e..0000000
--- a/Modules/Talents.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
-local mod = StarTip:NewModule("Talents", "AceTimer-3.0", "AceEvent-3.0")
-mod.name = "Talents"
-mod.toggled = true
-mod.defaultOff = true
-local text = StarTip:GetModule("UnitTooltip")
-local _G = _G
-local GameTooltip = _G.GameTooltip
-local StarTip = _G.StarTip
-local self = mod
-local GameTooltip = _G.GameTooltip
-local UnitIsUnit = _G.UnitIsUnit
-local GetNumTalentTabs = _G.GetNumTalentTabs
-local GetTalentTabInfo = _G.GetTalentTabInfo
-local UnitExists = _G.UnitExists
-local UnitIsPlayer = _G.UnitIsPlayer
-local UnitName = _G.UnitName
-local unitLocation
-local unitName
-local unitGuild
-local expired
-local expireTimer
-local EXPIRE_TIME = 1
-local linesToAdd = {}
-local linesToAddR = {}
-local linesToAddG = {}
-local linesToAddB = {}
-local linesToAddRight = {}
-local linesToAddRightR = {}
-local linesToAddRightG = {}
-local linesToAddRightB = {}
-local TalentQuery = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibTalentQuery-1.0", true)
-local spec = setmetatable({}, {__mode='v'})
-mod.spec = spec
-local timer, talentTimer
-local dw = StarTip:GetModule("DeadlyAnnounce", true)
-local options = {
-	onctrl = {
-		name = "Clear on Ctrl",
-		desc = "Whether to clear talents cache or not when pressing down CTRL.",
-		type = "toggle",
-		get = function()
-			return mod.db.profile.onctrl
-		end,
-		set = function(info, v)
-			mod.db.profile.onctrl = v
-		end,
-		order = 5
-	}
-local talentTrees = {
-	["Druid"] = {"Balance", "Feral Combat", "Restoration"},
-	["Hunter"] = {"Beast Mastery", "Marksmanship", "Survival"},
-	["Mage"] = {"Arcane", "Fire", "Frost"},
-	["Paladin"] = {"Holy", "Protection", "Retribution"},
-	["Priest"] = {"Discipline", "Holy", "Shadow"},
-	["Rogue"] = {"Assassination", "Combat", "Subtlety"},
-	["Shaman"] = {"Elemental", "Enhancement", "Restoration"},
-	["Warlock"] = {"Affliction", "Demonology", "Destruction"},
-	["Warrior"] = {"Arms", "Fury", "Protection"},
-local indexOf = function(t, val)
-	for i=1, #t do
-		if t[i] == val then
-			return i
-		end
-	end
-local indicesOf = function(t, val)
-	local a = {}
-	for i=1, #t do
-		if t[i] == val then
-			tinsert(a, i)
-		end
-	end
-	return unpack(a)
-function mod:TalentQuery_Ready(e, name, realm)
-	if not TalentQuery then return end
-	local nameRealm = name .. (realm or '')
-	local isnotplayer = (name ~= UnitName("player"))
-	if not spec[nameRealm] then
-		spec[nameRealm] = {[4]=NONE}
-		local highPoints = {}
-		local specNames = {}
-		local group = GetActiveTalentGroup(isnotplayer)
-		for tab = 1, GetNumTalentTabs(isnotplayer) do
-			local treename, _, pointsspent = GetTalentTabInfo(tab, isnotplayer, nil, group)
-			highPoints[tab] = pointsspent
-			spec[nameRealm][tab] = pointsspent
-			specNames[tab] = treename
-		end
-		if highPoints[1] == nil or highPoints[2] == nil or highPoints[3] == nil then spec[nameRealm] = nil return end
-		table.sort(highPoints, function(a,b) return a>b end)
-		local first, second = select(1, indicesOf(spec[nameRealm], highPoints[1])), select(2, indicesOf(spec[nameRealm], highPoints[1]))
-		if highPoints[1] > 0 and highPoints[2] > 0 and highPoints[1] - highPoints[2] <= 5 and highPoints[1] ~= highPoints[2] then
-			spec[nameRealm][4] = specNames[indexOf(spec[nameRealm], highPoints[1])] .. "/" .. specNames[indexOf(spec[nameRealm], highPoints[2])]
-		elseif highPoints[1] > 0 and first and second then
-			spec[nameRealm][4] = specNames[first] .. "/" .. specNames[second]
-		elseif highPoints[1] > 0 then
-			spec[nameRealm][4] = specNames[indexOf(spec[nameRealm], highPoints[1])]
-		end
-	end
-function expireQuery()
-	expired = true
-	self:CancelTimer(expireTimer)
-	expireTimer = nil
-local updateTalents = function()
-	if dw and dw.shown then return end
-	if not UnitExists("mouseover") or not UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") then
-		self:CancelTimer(talentTimer)
-		self:CancelTimer(expireTimer)
-		expireTimer = nil
-		talentTimer = nil
-		return
-	end
-	if expired then
-		--TalentQuery:NotifyInspect("player")
-		--TalentQuery.frame:Hide()
-		TalentQuery:Query("mouseover")
-		expireTimer = self:ScheduleTimer(expireQuery, EXPIRE_TIME)
-		expired = nil
-		return
-	end
-	local nameRealm = select(1, UnitName("mouseover")) .. (select(2, UnitName("mouseover")) or '')
-	if spec[nameRealm] and spec[nameRealm][4] and spec[nameRealm][1] and spec[nameRealm][2] and spec[nameRealm][3] then
-		local specText = mod:SpecText(select(1, UnitName("mouseover")), select(2, UnitName("mouseover")))
-		local lineNum
-		if (text.NUM_LINES or 0xdeadbeef) < GameTooltip:NumLines() then -- sometimes the text module hasn't initialized before this test
-			lineNum = text.NUM_LINES + 1
-			local j = 0
-			for i = lineNum, GameTooltip:NumLines() do
-				local left = mod.leftLines[i]
-				j = j + 1
-				linesToAdd[j] = left:GetText()
-				local r, g, b = left:GetTextColor()
-				linesToAddR[j] = r
-				linesToAddG[j] = g
-				linesToAddB[j] = b
-				local right = mod.rightLines[i]
-				if right:IsShown() then
-					linesToAddRight[j] = right:GetText()
-					local r, g, b = right:GetTextColor()
-					linesToAddRightR[j] = r
-					linesToAddRightG[j] = g
-					linesToAddRightB[j] = b
-				end
-			end
-		else
-			lineNum = GameTooltip:NumLines() + 1
-		end
-		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(' ', ' ')
-		local left = mod.leftLines[lineNum]
-		local right = mod.rightLines[lineNum]
-		left:SetText("Talents:")
-		right:SetText(specText)
-		if not right:IsShown() then
-			right:Show()
-		end
-		left:SetTextColor(text.db.profile.color.r, text.db.profile.color.g, text.db.profile.color.b)
-		right:SetTextColor(text.db.profile.color.r, text.db.profile.color.g, text.db.profile.color.b)
-		for i=1, #linesToAdd do
-			local left = mod.leftLines[i + lineNum]
-			left:SetText(linesToAdd[i])
-			left:SetTextColor(linesToAddR[i], linesToAddG[i], linesToAddB[i])
-			if linesToAddRight[i] then
-				local right = mod.rightLines[i + lineNum]
-				right:SetText(linesToAddRight[i])
-				right:SetTextColor(linesToAddRightR[i], linesToAddRightG[i], linesToAddRightB[i])
-			end
-			linesToAdd[i] = nil
-			linesToAddR[i] = nil
-			linesToAddG[i] = nil
-			linesToAddB[i] = nil
-			linesToAddRight[i] = nil
-			linesToAddRightR[i] = nil
-			linesToAddRightG[i] = nil
-			linesToAddRightB[i] = nil
-		end
-		self:CancelTimer(talentTimer)
-		talentTimer =  nil
-		if expireTimer then
-			mod:CancelTimer(expireTimer)
-			expireTimer = nil
-		end
-		if spec[nameRealm][1] == 0 and spec[nameRealm][2] == 0 and spec[nameRealm][3] == 0 then
-			spec[nameRealm] = nil
-		end
-		GameTooltip:Hide()
-		GameTooltip:Show()
-	elseif spec[nameRealm] then
-		spec[nameRealm] = nil
-	end
-function mod:OnInitialize()
-	self.db = StarTip.db:RegisterNamespace(self:GetName(), {profile = {onctrl = true}})
-	self.leftLines = StarTip.leftLines
-	self.rightLines = StarTip.rightLines
-function mod:OnEnable()
-	if TalentQuery then TalentQuery.RegisterCallback(self, "TalentQuery_Ready") end
-function mod:OnDisable()
-	if TalentQuery then TalentQuery.UnregisterCallback(self, "TalentQuery_Ready") end
-function mod:GetOptions()
-	return options
-function mod:SetUnit()
-	if not TalentQuery or not UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") then return end
-	if dw and dw.shown then
-		return
-	end
-	for i = 1, GameTooltip:NumLines() do
-		if StarTip.leftLines[i]:GetText() == "Talents:" then
-			self.oldLine = i
-		end
-	end
-	if UnitIsUnit("mouseover", "player") then
-		self:TalentQuery_Ready(_, UnitName("player"))
-	else
-		--TalentQuery:NotifyInspect("mouseover")
-		TalentQuery:Query("mouseover")
-		talentTimer = talentTimer or self:ScheduleRepeatingTimer(updateTalents, 0)
-		if expireTimer then
-			self:CancelTimer(expireTimer)
-			expireTimer = nil
-		end
-		expireTimer = self:ScheduleTimer(expireQuery, EXPIRE_TIME)
-		if IsControlKeyDown() then
-			local nameRealm = select(1, UnitName("mouseover")) .. (select(2, UnitName("mouseover")) or '')
-			spec[nameRealm] = nil
-		end
-	end
-function mod:OnHide()
-	if talentTimer then
-		self:CancelTimer(talentTimer)
-		talentTimer = nil
-	end
-	if expireTimer then
-		self:CancelTimer(expireTimer)
-		expireTimer = nil
-	end
-function mod:MODIFIER_STATE_CHANGED(ev, modifier, up, ...)
-	local mod = (modifier == "LCTRL" or modifier == "RCTRL") and "LCTRL"
-	if mod ~= "LCTRL" or not self:IsEnabled() then
-		return
-	end
-	if self.db.profile.onctrl and UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") then
-		StarTip.del(spec)
-		local nameRealm = self:NameRealm()
-		local specText = self:SpecText(nameRealm)
-		for i = 1, GameTooltip:NumLines() do
-			if StarTip.leftLines[i]:GetText() == "Talents:" and specText ~= "" then
-				StarTip.rightLines[i]:SetText("Reload")
-			end
-		end
-		spec = setmetatable(StarTip.new(), {__mode='v'})
-	end
-function mod:NameRealm()
-	return select(1, (UnitName("mouseover")) or "") .. (select(2, UnitName("mouseover")) or "")
-function mod:SpecText(nameRealm)
-	if not spec[nameRealm] then return "" end
-	return ('%s (%d/%d/%d)'):format(spec[nameRealm][4], spec[nameRealm][1], spec[nameRealm][2], spec[nameRealm][3])
diff --git a/Modules/UnitTooltip.lua b/Modules/UnitTooltip.lua
index 0bdf094..6892397 100644
--- a/Modules/UnitTooltip.lua
+++ b/Modules/UnitTooltip.lua
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ if UnitIsPlayer(unit) then
     r, g, b = UnitSelectionColor(unit)
-return GetColorCode(UnitName(unit), r, g, b)
+return Colorize(UnitName(unit), r, g, b)
         right = nil,
 		bold = true,
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ else
 local name = UnitName(unit)
 if name == select(1, UnitName("player")) then name = "<<YOU>>" end
-return name and GetColorCode(name, r, g, b) or "None"
+return name and Colorize(name, r, g, b) or "None"
         rightUpdating = true,
 		update = 1000,
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ if UnitIsPlayer(unit) then
     r, g, b = 1, 1, 1
-return GetColorCode(UnitClass(unit), r, g, b)
+return Colorize(UnitClass(unit), r, g, b)
 		enabled = true,
@@ -237,9 +237,9 @@ health, maxHealth = UnitHealth(unit), UnitHealthMax(unit)
 r, g, b = HPColor(health, maxHealth)
 value = "Unknown"
 if maxHealth == 100 then
-    value = GetColorCode(health .. "%", r, g, b)
+    value = Colorize(health .. "%", r, g, b)
 elseif maxHealth ~= 0 then
-    value = GetColorCode(format("%s/%s (%d%%)", short(health), short(maxHealth), health/maxHealth*100), r, g, b)
+    value = Colorize(format("%s/%s (%d%%)", short(health), short(maxHealth), health/maxHealth*100), r, g, b)
 return value
@@ -258,9 +258,9 @@ maxMana = UnitManaMax(unit)
 r, g, b = PowerColor(nil, unit)
 value = "Unknown"
 if maxMana == 100 then
-    value = GetColorCode(tostring(mana), r, g, b)
+    value = Colorize(tostring(mana), r, g, b)
 elseif maxMana ~= 0 then
-    value = GetColorCode(format("%s/%s (%d%%)", short(mana), short(maxMana), mana/maxMana*100), r, g, b)
+    value = Colorize(format("%s/%s (%d%%)", short(mana), short(maxMana), mana/maxMana*100), r, g, b)
 return value
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ if mem then
     if num < 1 then num = 1 end
     if num > 100 then num = 100 end
     local r, g, b = gradient[num][1], gradient[num][2], gradient[num][3]
-    return GetColorCode(format("%s (%.2f%%)", memshort(mem), memperc), r, g, b)
+    return Colorize(format("%s (%.2f%%)", memshort(mem), memperc), r, g, b)
 		rightUpdating = true,
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ if cpu then
     if num < 1 then num = 1 end
     if num > 100 then num = 100 end
     local r, g, b = gradient[num][1], gradient[num][2], gradient[num][3]
-    return GetColorCode(format("%s (%.2f%%)", timeshort(cpu), cpuperc), r, g, b)
+    return Colorize(format("%s (%.2f%%)", timeshort(cpu), cpuperc), r, g, b)
 		rightUpdating = true,
@@ -337,6 +337,16 @@ end
 		enabled = true,
 		update = 1000
+	[18] = {
+		name = "Talents",
+		left = "return 'Talents:'",
+		right = [[
+return SpecText(unit)
+		rightUpdating = true,
+		enabled = true,
+		update = 1000
+	}

 local options = {}
@@ -419,14 +429,18 @@ local widgetsToDraw = {}
 local function updateWidget(widget)
 	tinsert(widgetsToDraw, widget)
 	if mod.db.profile.refreshRate == 0 then
-		draw()
+		draw(UnitExists(StarTip.unit))

 	local fontsList = LSM:List("font")
 	local widget, fontString
-	function draw()
+	function draw(show)
+		if StarTip.fading then
+			table.wipe(widgetsToDraw)
+			return
+		end
 		for i, widget in ipairs(widgetsToDraw) do
 			if not widget.fontString then break end
 			local fontString = widget.fontString
@@ -451,6 +465,9 @@ do
+		if UnitExists(StarTip.unit) then
+			GameTooltip:Show()
+		end

@@ -700,6 +717,7 @@ function mod:RebuildOpts()
 						desc = "Move this line up by one",
 						type = "execute",
 						func = function()
+							StarTip:Print("up", i)
 							if i == 1 then return end
 							local tmp = self.db.profile.lines[i - 1]
 							if not v.left then v.left = "" end
@@ -721,6 +739,7 @@ function mod:RebuildOpts()
 						func = function()
 							if i == #self.db.profile.lines then return end
 							local tmp = self.db.profile.lines[i + 1]
+							if tmp.deleted then return end
 							if not v.left then v.left = "" end
 							if not v.right then v.right = "" end
 							if not tmp.left then tmp.left = "" end
@@ -751,9 +770,19 @@ function mod:RebuildOpts()
 						type = "execute",
 						func = function()
 							local name = v.name
-							table.wipe(self.db.profile.lines[i])
-							v.name = name
-							v.deleted = true
+							local delete = true
+							for i, line in ipairs(defaultLines) do
+								if line.name == name then
+									delete = false
+								end
+							end
+							tremove(self.db.profile.lines, i)
+							if not delete then
+								wipe(v)
+								v.deleted = true
+								v.name = name
+								tinsert(self.db.profile.lines, v)
+							end
@@ -777,9 +806,9 @@ function mod:RebuildOpts()
-						validate = function(info, str)
+						--[[validate = function(info, str)
 							return mod.evaluator:Validate(environment, str)
-						end,
+						end,]]
 						multiline = true,
 						width = "full",
 						order = 10
@@ -797,48 +826,10 @@ function mod:RebuildOpts()
-						validate = function(info, str)
-							return mod.evaluator:Validate(environment, str)
-						end,
 						multiline = true,
 						width = "full",
 						order = 11
-					--[[
-					colorLeft = {
-						name = "Left Color",
-						type = "input",
-						desc = "Color for left segment",
-						get = function() return v.colorLeft end,
-						set = function(info, val)
-							v.colorLeft = val
-							v.colorLeftDirty = true
-							self:CreateLines()
-						end,
-						validate = function(info, str)
-							return mod.evaluator:Validate(environment, str)
-						end,
-						multiline = true,
-						width = "full",
-						order = 12
-					},
-					colorRight = {
-						name = "Right Color",
-						type = "input",
-						desc = "Color for right segment",
-						get = function() return v.colorRight end,
-						set = function(info, val)
-							v.colorRight = val
-							v.colorRightDirty = true
-							self:CreateLines()
-						end,
-						validate = function(info, str)
-							return mod.evaluator:Validate(environment, str)
-						end,
-						multiline = true,
-						width = "full",
-						order = 13
-					},]]
 					marquee = {
 						name = "Enhanced Settings",
 						type = "group",
@@ -1000,14 +991,14 @@ function mod:RebuildOpts()
-		if v.desc then
+		--[[if v.desc then
 			options["line" .. i].args.desc = {
 				name = v.desc,
 				type = "header",
 				order = 1

-		end
+		end]]

diff --git a/StarTip.lua b/StarTip.lua
index 185a014..7b4676b 100644
--- a/StarTip.lua
+++ b/StarTip.lua
@@ -402,6 +402,16 @@ Update()

+local checkTooltipAlphaFrame
+local checkTooltipAlpha = function()
+	if GameTooltip:GetAlpha() < 1 then
+		StarTip.fading = true
+		checkTooltipAlphaFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
+	end
+checkTooltipAlphaFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")
 function StarTip:OnInitialize()
 	self.db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("StarTipDB", defaults, "Default")

@@ -559,6 +569,7 @@ function StarTip:OpenConfig()

 function StarTip.OnTooltipSetUnit()
+	StarTip.fading = false
 	local unit = GameTooltip:GetUnit()
 	StarTip.unit = "mouseover"
 	if not UnitExists("mouseover") then
@@ -595,6 +606,7 @@ function StarTip.OnTooltipSetUnit()
 	StarTip.justSetUnit = nil
+	checkTooltipAlphaFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", checkTooltipAlpha)

 function StarTip.OnTooltipSetItem(self, ...)