Remove version prints
Adrian L Lange [08-30-12 - 13:01]
diff --git a/Monomyth.lua b/Monomyth.lua
index 5d324d5..23f3271 100644
--- a/Monomyth.lua
+++ b/Monomyth.lua
@@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
-if(select(4, GetBuildInfo()) == 50001) then
- print('|cff33ff99Monomyth:|r Thanks for testing out the beta version. Make sure to report any issues!')
- print('|cff33ff99Monomyth:|r You seem to have installed a version not compatible with this version of the game.')
- return
local Monomyth = CreateFrame('Frame')
Monomyth:SetScript('OnEvent', function(self, event, ...) self[event](...) end)