
Correct an issue when a user requests that pop-ups be shown.

KyrosKrane [07-09-15 - 17:32]
Correct an issue when a user requests that pop-ups be shown.
Better handling of debug messages.
diff --git a/AnnoyingPopupRemover.lua b/AnnoyingPopupRemover.lua
index 4206ea3..430e2ae 100644
--- a/AnnoyingPopupRemover.lua
+++ b/AnnoyingPopupRemover.lua
@@ -199,10 +199,10 @@ function APR:HandleCommandLine(msg, editbox)
 		-- Undocumented command to toggle the debug state from the command line.
 		elseif "debug" == Line[1] then
 			if "on" == Line[2] then
-				APR.DebugMode = true;
+				SetDebug(true);
 			elseif "off" == Line[2] then
-				APR.DebugMode = false;
+				SetDebug(false);
@@ -319,6 +319,17 @@ function APR:TogglePopup(popup, state)
 end -- APR:TogglePopup()

+function APR:SetDebug(mode)
+	if mode then
+		APR.DebugMode = true;
+		APR:ChatPrint ("Debug mode is now on.")
+	else
+		APR.DebugMode = false;
+		APR:ChatPrint ("Debug mode is now off.")
+	end
+end -- APR:SetDebug()
 --# Dialog toggling functions
@@ -434,13 +445,20 @@ end -- APR:HidePopupVoid()

 -- Looting a BOP item triggers this event.
 function APR.Events:LOOT_BIND_CONFIRM(Frame, ...)
+	local id = ...;
 	if (APR.DebugMode) then
 		APR:DebugPrint ("In APR.Events:LOOT_BIND_CONFIRM");
 		APR:DebugPrint ("Frame is ", Frame);
 	end -- if APR.DebugMode

-	local id = ...;
+	-- If the user didn't ask us to hide this popup, just return.
+	if not APR_DB.HideBind then
+		AOR:DebugPrint ("Hidebind off, not auto confirming");
+		return
+	end;
 end -- APR.Events:LOOT_BIND_CONFIRM()

@@ -457,6 +475,12 @@ function APR.Events:CONFIRM_LOOT_ROLL(...)
 	APR:DebugPrint ("id is ", id);
 	APR:DebugPrint ("rollType is ", rollType);

+	-- If the user didn't ask us to hide this popup, just return.
+	if not APR_DB.HideRoll then
+		AOR:DebugPrint ("Hidebind off, not auto confirming");
+		return
+	end;
 	ConfirmLootRoll(id, rollType);
 end -- APR.Events:CONFIRM_LOOT_ROLL()

@@ -469,7 +493,14 @@ function APR.Events:VOID_DEPOSIT_WARNING(...)
 	end -- if APR.DebugMode

 	-- Document the incoming parameters.
-	-- local slot, itemLink = ...;
+	local slot, itemLink = ...;
+	APR:DebugPrint ("slot is ", slot);
+	-- If the user didn't ask us to hide this popup, just return.
+	if not APR_DB.HideVoid then
+		AOR:DebugPrint ("Hidebind off, not auto confirming");
+		return
+	end;

 	-- prior to this event firing, the game triggers "VOID_STORAGE_DEPOSIT_UPDATE", which disables the transfer button and pops up the dialog.
 	-- So, we simulate clicking OK with the UpdateTransferButton, and pass "nil" to indicate the warning dialog isn't showing.