
Added a noCC check

Jason Greer [11-09-10 - 23:27]
Added a noCC check
diff --git a/cc.lua b/cc.lua
index cc42b70..498784c 100644
--- a/cc.lua
+++ b/cc.lua
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ end
 --and I'd rather not create my own cooldown frame to preserve a tiny bit of memory
 hooksecurefunc(getmetatable(ActionButton1Cooldown).__index, 'SetCooldown', function(cd, start, duration)
 	--start timer
-	if start > 0 and duration > MIN_DURATION then
+	if start > 0 and duration > MIN_DURATION and (not self.noCooldownCount) then
 		local timer = cd.timer or Timer_Create(cd)
 		timer.start = start
 		timer.duration = duration