James D. Callahan III [03-06-11 - 06:49]
diff --git a/AckisRecipeList.toc b/AckisRecipeList.toc
index 82df3ed..e46f6d4 100644
--- a/AckisRecipeList.toc
+++ b/AckisRecipeList.toc
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ locale.xml
diff --git a/Recipe.lua b/Recipe.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10c8f2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Recipe.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+-- Upvalued Lua API.
+local _G = getfenv(0)
+-- Functions
+local ipairs = _G.ipairs
+local pairs = _G.pairs
+local select = _G.select
+local tonumber, tostring = _G.tonumber, _G.tostring
+local type = _G.type
+-- Libraries
+local bit = _G.bit
+local string = _G.string
+-- AddOn namespace.
+local FOLDER_NAME, private = ...
+local LibStub = _G.LibStub
+local MODNAME = "Ackis Recipe List"
+local addon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon(MODNAME)
+local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale(MODNAME)
+local BZ = LibStub("LibBabble-Zone-3.0"):GetLookupTable()
+local A = private.acquire_types
+local F = private.filter_flags
+local SF = private.recipe_state_flags
+-- Local constants.
+local recipe_prototype = {}
+local recipe_meta = {
+ __index = recipe_prototype
+---Adds a tradeskill recipe into the specified recipe database
+-- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipe
+-- @usage AckisRecipeList:AddRecipe(28927, 305, 23109, Q.UNCOMMON, V.TBC, 305, 305, 325, 345)
+-- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe being added to the database
+-- @param skill_level The skill level at which the recipe can be initially learned
+-- @param item_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/ItemLink|Item ID]] that is created by the recipe, or nil
+-- @param quality The quality/rarity of the recipe
+-- @param profession The profession ID that uses the recipe. See [[API/database-documentation]] for a listing of profession IDs
+-- @param specialty The specialty that uses the recipe (ie: goblin engineering) or nil or blank
+-- @param genesis Game version that the recipe was first introduced in, for example, Original, BC, WoTLK, or Cata
+-- @param optimal_level Level at which recipe is considered orange
+-- @param medium_level Level at which recipe is considered yellow
+-- @param easy_level Level at which recipe is considered green
+-- @param trivial_level Level at which recipe is considered grey
+-- @return Resultant recipe table.
+function addon:AddRecipe(spell_id, skill_level, item_id, quality, profession, specialty, genesis, optimal_level, medium_level, easy_level, trivial_level)
+ local recipe_list = private.recipe_list
+ if recipe_list[spell_id] then
+ --@alpha@
+ self:Print("Duplicate recipe: "..recipe_list[spell_id].profession.." "..tostring(spell_id).." "..recipe_list[spell_id].name)
+ --@end-alpha@
+ return
+ end
+ local recipe = _G.setmetatable({
+ spell_id = spell_id,
+ skill_level = skill_level,
+ item_id = item_id,
+ quality = quality,
+ profession = _G.GetSpellInfo(profession),
+ name = _G.GetSpellInfo(spell_id),
+ flags = {},
+ acquire_data = {},
+ specialty = specialty, -- Assumption: there will only be 1 speciality for a trade skill
+ genesis = private.game_version_names[genesis],
+ optimal_level = optimal_level or skill_level,
+ medium_level = medium_level or skill_level + 10,
+ easy_level = easy_level or skill_level + 15,
+ trivial_level = trivial_level or skill_level + 20,
+ }, recipe_meta)
+ if not recipe.name then
+ recipe.name = ("%s: %d"):format(_G.UNKNOWN, tonumber(spell_id))
+ self:Print(L["SpellIDCache"]:format(spell_id))
+ end
+ recipe_list[spell_id] = recipe
+ return recipe
+--- Adds filtering flags to a specific tradeskill.
+-- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeFlags
+-- @usage AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeFlags(28927, F.ALLIANCE, F.VENDOR, F.IBOE, F.RBOP, F.HEALER, F.CASTER, F.ALDOR)
+-- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe which the filter flags are being added to
+-- @param ... A listing of filtering flags. See [[API/database-documentation]] for a listing of filter flags
+-- @return None, array is passed as a reference.
+function addon:AddRecipeFlags(spell_id, ...)
+ private.recipe_list[spell_id]:AddFlags(...)
+ -- Helper function to add all recipe acquire information. Called via a wrapper function.
+ local function GenericAddRecipeAcquire(spell_id, acquire_type, type_string, unit_list, ...)
+ local recipe = private.recipe_list[spell_id]
+ if not recipe then
+ addon:Debug("GenericAddRecipeAcquire(): No recipe found for Spell ID %d.", spell_id)
+ return
+ end
+ local location_list = private.location_list
+ local acquire_list = private.acquire_list
+ local acquire_data = recipe.acquire_data
+ acquire_data[acquire_type] = acquire_data[acquire_type] or {}
+ local acquire = acquire_data[acquire_type]
+ local num_vars = select('#', ...)
+ local cur_var = 1
+ while cur_var <= num_vars do
+ local location, affiliation
+ local id_num = select(cur_var, ...)
+ cur_var = cur_var + 1
+ -- A quantity of true means unlimited - normal vendor item.
+ local quantity = true
+ if type_string == "Limited Vendor" then
+ quantity = select(cur_var, ...)
+ cur_var = cur_var + 1
+ end
+ acquire[id_num] = true
+ if unit_list and not unit_list[id_num] then
+ addon:Debug("Spell ID %d: %s ID %d does not exist in the database.", spell_id, type_string, id_num)
+ else
+ if not unit_list then
+ local id_type = type(id_num)
+ location = id_type == "string" and BZ[id_num] or nil
+ if location then
+ affiliation = "world_drop"
+ else
+ if id_type == "string" then
+ addon:Debug("WORLD_DROP with no location: %d %s", spell_id, private.recipe_list[spell_id].name)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ local unit = unit_list[id_num]
+ affiliation = unit.faction
+ location = unit.location
+ unit.item_list = unit.item_list or {}
+ unit.item_list[spell_id] = quantity
+ end
+ end
+ acquire_list[acquire_type] = acquire_list[acquire_type] or {}
+ acquire_list[acquire_type].recipes = acquire_list[acquire_type].recipes or {}
+ acquire_list[acquire_type].name = private.acquire_names[acquire_type]
+ acquire_list[acquire_type].recipes[spell_id] = affiliation or true
+ if location then
+ location_list[location] = location_list[location] or {}
+ location_list[location].recipes = location_list[location].recipes or {}
+ location_list[location].name = location
+ location_list[location].recipes[spell_id] = affiliation or true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --- Adds mob drop acquire methods to a specific tradeskill.
+ -- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeMobDrop
+ -- @usage AckisRecipeList::AddRecipeMobDrop(28564, 24664)
+ -- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe which acquire methods are being added to
+ -- @param ... A listing of monsters that drop that recipe.
+ -- @return None.
+ function addon:AddRecipeMobDrop(spell_id, ...)
+ GenericAddRecipeAcquire(spell_id, A.MOB_DROP, "Mob", private.mob_list, ...)
+ end
+ --- Adds trainer acquire methods to a specific tradeskill.
+ -- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeTrainer
+ -- @usage AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeTrainer(33732, 18802, 19052, 33674, 27023, 33608, 16588, 27029)
+ -- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe which acquire methods are being added to
+ -- @param ... A listing of trainers that teach the recipe.
+ -- @return None.
+ function addon:AddRecipeTrainer(spell_id, ...)
+ GenericAddRecipeAcquire(spell_id, A.TRAINER, "Trainer", private.trainer_list, ...)
+ end
+ --- Adds vendor acquire methods to a specific tradeskill.
+ -- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeVendor
+ -- @usage AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeVendor(39639, 18821, 18822)
+ -- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe which acquire methods are being added to
+ -- @param ... A listing of vendors that sell the recipe.
+ -- @return None.
+ function addon:AddRecipeVendor(spell_id, ...)
+ GenericAddRecipeAcquire(spell_id, A.VENDOR, "Vendor", private.vendor_list, ...)
+ end
+ --- Adds limited supply vendor acquire methods to a specific tradeskill.
+ -- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeLimitedVendor
+ -- @usage AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeLimitedVendor(3449, 4878, 1)
+ -- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe which acquire methods are being added to
+ -- @param ... A listing of limited supply vendors that sell the recipe followed by the amount they sell.
+ -- @return None.
+ function addon:AddRecipeLimitedVendor(spell_id, ...)
+ GenericAddRecipeAcquire(spell_id, A.VENDOR, "Limited Vendor", private.vendor_list, ...)
+ end
+ --- Adds world drop acquire methods to a specific tradeskill.
+ -- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeWorldDrop
+ -- @usage AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeWorldDrop(3450, "Kalimdor", "Eastern Kingdoms")
+ -- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe which acquire methods are being added to
+ -- @param ... A listing of the zones where the recipe drops from.
+ -- @return None.
+ function addon:AddRecipeWorldDrop(spell_id, ...)
+ GenericAddRecipeAcquire(spell_id, A.WORLD_DROP, nil, nil, ...)
+ end
+ --- Adds quest reward acquire methods to a specific tradeskill.
+ -- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeQuest
+ -- @usage AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeQuest(66659, 14151)
+ -- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe which acquire methods are being added to
+ -- @param ... A listing of quests that reward the recipe.
+ -- @return None.
+ function addon:AddRecipeQuest(spell_id, ...)
+ GenericAddRecipeAcquire(spell_id, A.QUEST, "Quest", private.quest_list, ...)
+ end
+ --- Adds achievement reward acquire methods to a specific tradeskill.
+ -- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeAchievement
+ -- @usage AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeAchievement(92688, 5024)
+ -- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe which acquire methods are being added to
+ -- @param ... A listing of achievments that reward the recipe.
+ -- @return None.
+ function addon:AddRecipeAchievement(spell_id, ...)
+ GenericAddRecipeAcquire(spell_id, A.ACHIEVEMENT, "Achievement", nil, ...)
+ end
+ function addon:AddRecipeRetired(spell_id, ...)
+ local retired_db = {
+ [1] = "Retired in Wrath",
+ [2] = "Retired in Cata",
+ }
+ GenericAddRecipeAcquire(spell_id, A.RETIRED, "Retired", retired_db, 1)
+ end
+ --- Adds custom acquire methods to a specific tradeskill.
+ -- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeCustom
+ -- @usage AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeCustom(12086, 48)
+ -- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe which acquire methods are being added to
+ -- @param ... A listing of custom entries for that recipe.
+ -- @return None.
+ function addon:AddRecipeCustom(spell_id, ...)
+ GenericAddRecipeAcquire(spell_id, A.CUSTOM, "Custom", private.custom_list, ...)
+ end
+ --- Adds seasonal acquire methods to a specific tradeskill.
+ -- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeSeason
+ -- @usage AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeSeason(21143, 1)
+ -- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe which acquire methods are being added to
+ -- @param ... A listing of seasonal events where the recipe can be obtained.
+ -- @return None.
+ function addon:AddRecipeSeason(spell_id, ...)
+ GenericAddRecipeAcquire(spell_id, A.SEASONAL, "Seasonal", private.seasonal_list, ...)
+ end
+ -- This function can NOT use GenericAddRecipeAcquire() - reputation vendors are more complicated than the other acquire types.
+ --- Adds acquire methods to a specific tradeskill.
+ -- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeRepVendor
+ -- @usage AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeRepVendor(28927, FAC.ALDOR, REP.HONORED, 19321)
+ -- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe which acquire methods are being added to
+ -- @param faction_id Reputation faction used.
+ -- @param rep_level Level of reputation required.
+ -- @param ... A listing of vendors associated with that faction level.
+ -- @return None.
+ function addon:AddRecipeRepVendor(spell_id, faction_id, rep_level, ...)
+ local location_list = private.location_list
+ local acquire_list = private.acquire_list
+ local num_vars = select('#', ...)
+ local cur_var = 1
+ local recipe = private.recipe_list[spell_id]
+ local vendor_list = private.vendor_list
+ local acquire_data = recipe.acquire_data
+ acquire_data[A.REPUTATION] = acquire_data[A.REPUTATION] or {}
+ local acquire = acquire_data[A.REPUTATION]
+ acquire[faction_id] = acquire[faction_id] or {}
+ local faction = acquire[faction_id]
+ faction[rep_level] = faction[rep_level] or {}
+ while cur_var <= num_vars do
+ local location, affiliation
+ local vendor_id = select(cur_var, ...)
+ cur_var = cur_var + 1
+ if not private.reputation_list[faction_id] then
+ --@alpha@
+ self:Printf("Spell ID %d: Faction ID %d does not exist in the database.", spell_id, faction_id)
+ --@end-alpha@
+ else
+ if not vendor_id then
+ --@alpha@
+ self:Print("Spell ID "..spell_id..": Reputation Vendor ID is nil.")
+ --@end-alpha@
+ elseif not vendor_list[vendor_id] then
+ --@alpha@
+ self:Print("Spell ID "..spell_id..": Reputation Vendor ID "..vendor_id.." does not exist in the database.")
+ --@end-alpha@
+ else
+ faction[rep_level][vendor_id] = true
+ local rep_vendor = vendor_list[vendor_id]
+ affiliation = rep_vendor.faction
+ location = rep_vendor.location
+ rep_vendor.item_list = rep_vendor.item_list or {}
+ rep_vendor.item_list[spell_id] = true
+ end
+ end
+ acquire_list[A.REPUTATION] = acquire_list[A.REPUTATION] or {}
+ acquire_list[A.REPUTATION].recipes = acquire_list[A.REPUTATION].recipes or {}
+ acquire_list[A.REPUTATION].name = private.acquire_names[A.REPUTATION]
+ acquire_list[A.REPUTATION].recipes[spell_id] = affiliation or true
+ if location then
+ location_list[location] = location_list[location] or {}
+ location_list[location].recipes = location_list[location].recipes or {}
+ location_list[location].name = location
+ location_list[location].recipes[spell_id] = affiliation or true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+end -- do block
+-- Recipe methods.
+function recipe_prototype:HasState(state_name)
+ return self.state and (bit.band(self.state, SF[state_name]) == SF[state_name]) or false
+function recipe_prototype:AddState(state_name)
+ if not self.state then
+ self.state = 0
+ end
+ if bit.band(self.state, SF[state_name]) == SF[state_name] then
+ return
+ end
+ self.state = bit.bxor(self.state, SF[state_name])
+function recipe_prototype:RemoveState(state_name)
+ if not self.state then
+ return
+ end
+ if bit.band(self.state, SF[state_name]) ~= SF[state_name] then
+ return
+ end
+ self.state = bit.bxor(self.state, SF[state_name])
+ if self.state == 0 then
+ self.state = nil
+ end
+ local BITFIELD_MAP = {
+ common1 = private.common_flags_word1,
+ class1 = private.class_flags_word1,
+ reputation1 = private.rep_flags_word1,
+ reputation2 = private.rep_flags_word2,
+ item1 = private.item_flags_word1,
+ }
+ function recipe_prototype:IsFlagged(field_name, flag_name)
+ local bitfield = self.flags[field_name]
+ local bitset = BITFIELD_MAP[field_name]
+ local value = bitset[flag_name]
+ return bitfield and (bit.band(bitfield, value) == value) or false
+ end
+end -- do-block
+ local SKILL_LEVEL_FORMAT = "[%d]"
+ local SPELL_ENCHANTING = _G.GetSpellInfo(51313)
+ function recipe_prototype:GetDisplayName()
+ local _, _, _, quality_color = _G.GetItemQualityColor(self.quality)
+ local recipe_name = self.name
+ if private.ordered_professions[addon.Frame.profession] == SPELL_ENCHANTING then
+ recipe_name = string.gsub(recipe_name, _G.ENSCRIBE .. " ", "")
+ end
+ local has_faction = private.Player:HasProperRepLevel(self.acquire_data[A.REPUTATION])
+ local skill_level = private.Player["ProfessionLevel"]
+ local recipe_level = self.skill_level
+ local diff_color
+ if not has_faction or recipe_level > skill_level then
+ diff_color = "impossible"
+ elseif skill_level >= self.trivial_level then
+ diff_color = "trivial"
+ elseif skill_level >= self.easy_level then
+ diff_color = "easy"
+ elseif skill_level >= self.medium_level then
+ diff_color = "medium"
+ elseif skill_level >= self.optimal_level then
+ diff_color = "optimal"
+ else
+ diff_color = "trivial"
+ end
+ local display_name = ("%s%s|r"):format(quality_color, recipe_name)
+ local level_text = private.SetTextColor(private.difficulty_colors[diff_color], SKILL_LEVEL_FORMAT):format(recipe_level)
+ if addon.db.profile.skill_view then
+ display_name = ("%s - %s"):format(level_text, display_name)
+ else
+ display_name = ("%s - %s"):format(display_name, level_text)
+ end
+ if addon.db.profile.exclusionlist[self.spell_id] then
+ display_name = ("** %s **"):format(display_name)
+ end
+ return display_name
+ end
+end -- do-block
+function recipe_prototype:AddFlags(...)
+ local num_flags = select('#',...)
+ for index = 1, num_flags, 1 do
+ local flag = select(index, ...)
+ local flag_name = private.filter_strings[flag]
+ local bitfield
+ local member_name
+ for table_index, bits in ipairs(private.bit_flags) do
+ if bits[flag_name] then
+ bitfield = bits
+ member_name = private.flag_members[table_index]
+ end
+ end
+ if not bitfield or not member_name then
+ return
+ end
+ if not self.flags[member_name] then
+ self.flags[member_name] = 0
+ end
+ self.flags[member_name] = bit.bxor(self.flags[member_name], bitfield[flag_name])
+ end
+--- Public API function for retrieving specific information about a recipe.
+-- @name AckisRecipeList:GetRecipeData
+-- @usage AckisRecipeList:GetRecipeData(28972, "profession")
+-- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe being queried.
+-- @param data Which member of the recipe table is being queried.
+-- @return Variable, depending upon which member of the recipe table is queried.
+function addon:GetRecipeData(spell_id, data)
+ local recipe = private.recipe_list[spell_id]
+ return recipe and recipe[data] or nil
diff --git a/core.lua b/core.lua
index 2b0517d..2144b52 100644
--- a/core.lua
+++ b/core.lua
@@ -50,21 +50,9 @@ _G.ARL = addon
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale(MODNAME)
local BFAC = LibStub("LibBabble-Faction-3.0"):GetLookupTable()
-local BZ = LibStub("LibBabble-Zone-3.0"):GetLookupTable()
local debugger = _G.tekDebug and _G.tekDebug:GetFrame(MODNAME)
--- Constants.
--- Database tables
-local AllSpecialtiesTable = {}
-local SpecialtyTable
-- Set up the private intra-file namespace.
local private = select(2, ...)
@@ -81,6 +69,17 @@ private.vendor_list = {}
private.location_list = {}
private.acquire_list = {}
+-- Constants.
+-- Database tables
+local AllSpecialtiesTable = {}
+local SpecialtyTable
-- Filter flags and acquire types - defined in Constants.lua
local F = private.filter_flags
local A = private.acquire_types
@@ -843,455 +842,6 @@ do
--- Tradeskill functions
--- Recipe DB Structures are defined in Documentation.lua
- local SF = private.recipe_state_flags
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Recipe methods.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function Recipe_HasState(self, state_name)
- return self.state and (bit.band(self.state, SF[state_name]) == SF[state_name]) or false
- end
- local function Recipe_AddState(self, state_name)
- if not self.state then
- self.state = 0
- end
- if bit.band(self.state, SF[state_name]) == SF[state_name] then
- return
- end
- self.state = bit.bxor(self.state, SF[state_name])
- end
- local function Recipe_RemoveState(self, state_name)
- if not self.state then
- return
- end
- if bit.band(self.state, SF[state_name]) ~= SF[state_name] then
- return
- end
- self.state = bit.bxor(self.state, SF[state_name])
- if self.state == 0 then
- self.state = nil
- end
- end
- local BITFIELD_MAP = {
- ["common1"] = private.common_flags_word1,
- ["class1"] = private.class_flags_word1,
- ["reputation1"] = private.rep_flags_word1,
- ["reputation2"] = private.rep_flags_word2,
- ["item1"] = private.item_flags_word1,
- }
- local function Recipe_IsFlagged(self, field_name, flag_name)
- local bitfield = self.flags[field_name]
- local bitset = BITFIELD_MAP[field_name]
- local value = bitset[flag_name]
- return bitfield and (bit.band(bitfield, value) == value) or false
- end
- local SKILL_LEVEL_FORMAT = "[%d]"
- local SPELL_ENCHANTING = _G.GetSpellInfo(51313)
- local function Recipe_GetDisplayName(recipe_entry)
- local _, _, _, quality_color = _G.GetItemQualityColor(recipe_entry.quality)
- local recipe_name = recipe_entry.name
- if private.ordered_professions[addon.Frame.profession] == SPELL_ENCHANTING then
- recipe_name = string.gsub(recipe_name, _G.ENSCRIBE.." ", "")
- end
- local recipe_string = ("%s%s|r"):format(quality_color, recipe_name)
- local has_faction = private.Player:HasProperRepLevel(recipe_entry.acquire_data[A.REPUTATION])
- local skill_level = private.Player["ProfessionLevel"]
- local recipe_level = recipe_entry.skill_level
- local diff_color
- if not has_faction or recipe_level > skill_level then
- diff_color = "impossible"
- elseif skill_level >= recipe_entry.trivial_level then
- diff_color = "trivial"
- elseif skill_level >= recipe_entry.easy_level then
- diff_color = "easy"
- elseif skill_level >= recipe_entry.medium_level then
- diff_color = "medium"
- elseif skill_level >= recipe_entry.optimal_level then
- diff_color = "optimal"
- else
- --@debug@
- addon:Debug("Skill level color fallback: %s.", recipe_string)
- --@end-debug@
- diff_color = "trivial"
- end
- local level_text = private.SetTextColor(private.difficulty_colors[diff_color], SKILL_LEVEL_FORMAT):format(recipe_level)
- local skill_view = addon.db.profile.skill_view
- recipe_string = skill_view and ("%s - %s"):format(level_text, recipe_string) or ("%s - %s"):format(recipe_string, level_text)
- if addon.db.profile.exclusionlist[recipe_entry.spell_id] then
- recipe_string = ("** %s **"):format(recipe_string)
- end
- return recipe_string
- end
- ---Adds a tradeskill recipe into the specified recipe database
- -- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipe
- -- @usage AckisRecipeList:AddRecipe(28927, 305, 23109, Q.UNCOMMON, V.TBC, 305, 305, 325, 345)
- -- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe being added to the database
- -- @param skill_level The skill level at which the recipe can be initially learned
- -- @param item_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/ItemLink|Item ID]] that is created by the recipe, or nil
- -- @param quality The quality/rarity of the recipe
- -- @param profession The profession ID that uses the recipe. See [[API/database-documentation]] for a listing of profession IDs
- -- @param specialty The specialty that uses the recipe (ie: goblin engineering) or nil or blank
- -- @param genesis Game version that the recipe was first introduced in, for example, Original, BC, WoTLK, or Cata
- -- @param optimal_level Level at which recipe is considered orange
- -- @param medium_level Level at which recipe is considered yellow
- -- @param easy_level Level at which recipe is considered green
- -- @param trivial_level Level at which recipe is considered grey
- -- @return None, array is passed as a reference
- function addon:AddRecipe(spell_id, skill_level, item_id, quality, profession, specialty, genesis, optimal_level, medium_level, easy_level, trivial_level)
- local recipe_list = private.recipe_list
- if recipe_list[spell_id] then
- --@alpha@
- self:Print("Duplicate recipe: "..recipe_list[spell_id].profession.." "..tostring(spell_id).." "..recipe_list[spell_id].name)
- --@end-alpha@
- return
- end
- local recipe = {
- ["spell_id"] = spell_id,
- ["skill_level"] = skill_level,
- ["item_id"] = item_id,
- ["quality"] = quality,
- ["profession"] = _G.GetSpellInfo(profession),
- ["name"] = _G.GetSpellInfo(spell_id) or ("%s: %d"):format(_G.UNKNOWN, tonumber(spell_id)),
- ["flags"] = {},
- ["acquire_data"] = {},
- ["specialty"] = specialty, -- Assumption: there will only be 1 speciality for a trade skill
- ["genesis"] = private.game_version_names[genesis],
- ["optimal_level"] = optimal_level or skill_level,
- ["medium_level"] = medium_level or skill_level + 10,
- ["easy_level"] = easy_level or skill_level + 15,
- ["trivial_level"] = trivial_level or skill_level + 20,
- -- Function members
- ["HasState"] = Recipe_HasState,
- ["AddState"] = Recipe_AddState,
- ["RemoveState"] = Recipe_RemoveState,
- ["IsFlagged"] = Recipe_IsFlagged,
- ["GetDisplayName"] = Recipe_GetDisplayName,
- }
- if not recipe.name then
- self:Print(L["SpellIDCache"]:format(spell_id))
- end
- recipe_list[spell_id] = recipe
- end
-end -- do
---- Public API function for retrieving specific information about a recipe.
--- @name AckisRecipeList:GetRecipeData
--- @usage AckisRecipeList:GetRecipeData(28972, "profession")
--- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe being queried.
--- @param data Which member of the recipe table is being queried.
--- @return Variable, depending upon which member of the recipe table is queried.
-function addon:GetRecipeData(spell_id, data)
- local recipe = private.recipe_list[spell_id]
- return recipe and recipe[data] or nil
---- Adds filtering flags to a specific tradeskill.
--- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeFlags
--- @usage AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeFlags(28927, F.ALLIANCE, F.VENDOR, F.IBOE, F.RBOP, F.HEALER, F.CASTER, F.ALDOR)
--- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe which the filter flags are being added to
--- @param ... A listing of filtering flags. See [[API/database-documentation]] for a listing of filter flags
--- @return None, array is passed as a reference.
-function addon:AddRecipeFlags(spell_id, ...)
- local num_flags = select('#',...)
- local recipe = private.recipe_list[spell_id]
- for index = 1, num_flags, 1 do
- local flag = select(index, ...)
- local flag_name = private.filter_strings[flag]
- local bitfield
- local member_name
- for table_index, bits in ipairs(private.bit_flags) do
- if bits[flag_name] then
- bitfield = bits
- member_name = private.flag_members[table_index]
- end
- end
- if not bitfield or not member_name then
- return
- end
- if not recipe.flags[member_name] then
- recipe.flags[member_name] = 0
- end
- recipe.flags[member_name] = bit.bxor(recipe.flags[member_name], bitfield[flag_name])
- end
- local location_list = private.location_list
- local acquire_list = private.acquire_list
- -- Helper function to add all recipe acquire information. Called via a wrapper function.
- local function GenericAddRecipeAcquire(spell_id, acquire_type, type_string, unit_list, ...)
- local num_vars = select('#', ...)
- local cur_var = 1
- local recipe = private.recipe_list[spell_id]
- if not recipe then
- addon:Debug("GenericAddRecipeAcquire(): No recipe found for Spell ID %d.", spell_id)
- return
- end
- local acquire_data = recipe.acquire_data
- acquire_data[acquire_type] = acquire_data[acquire_type] or {}
- local acquire = acquire_data[acquire_type]
- while cur_var <= num_vars do
- local location, affiliation
- local id_num = select(cur_var, ...)
- cur_var = cur_var + 1
- -- A quantity of true means unlimited - normal vendor item.
- local quantity = true
- if type_string == "Limited Vendor" then
- quantity = select(cur_var, ...)
- cur_var = cur_var + 1
- end
- acquire[id_num] = true
- if unit_list and not unit_list[id_num] then
- addon:Debug("Spell ID %d: %s ID %d does not exist in the database.", spell_id, type_string, id_num)
- else
- if not unit_list then
- local id_type = type(id_num)
- location = id_type == "string" and BZ[id_num] or nil
- if location then
- affiliation = "world_drop"
- else
- if id_type == "string" then
- addon:Debug("WORLD_DROP with no location: %d %s", spell_id, private.recipe_list[spell_id].name)
- end
- end
- else
- local unit = unit_list[id_num]
- affiliation = unit.faction
- location = unit.location
- unit.item_list = unit.item_list or {}
- unit.item_list[spell_id] = quantity
- end
- end
- acquire_list[acquire_type] = acquire_list[acquire_type] or {}
- acquire_list[acquire_type].recipes = acquire_list[acquire_type].recipes or {}
- acquire_list[acquire_type].name = private.acquire_names[acquire_type]
- acquire_list[acquire_type].recipes[spell_id] = affiliation or true
- if location then
- location_list[location] = location_list[location] or {}
- location_list[location].recipes = location_list[location].recipes or {}
- location_list[location].name = location
- location_list[location].recipes[spell_id] = affiliation or true
- end
- end
- end
- --- Adds mob drop acquire methods to a specific tradeskill.
- -- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeMobDrop
- -- @usage AckisRecipeList::AddRecipeMobDrop(28564, 24664)
- -- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe which acquire methods are being added to
- -- @param ... A listing of monsters that drop that recipe.
- -- @return None.
- function addon:AddRecipeMobDrop(spell_id, ...)
- GenericAddRecipeAcquire(spell_id, A.MOB_DROP, "Mob", private.mob_list, ...)
- end
- --- Adds trainer acquire methods to a specific tradeskill.
- -- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeTrainer
- -- @usage AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeTrainer(33732, 18802, 19052, 33674, 27023, 33608, 16588, 27029)
- -- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe which acquire methods are being added to
- -- @param ... A listing of trainers that teach the recipe.
- -- @return None.
- function addon:AddRecipeTrainer(spell_id, ...)
- GenericAddRecipeAcquire(spell_id, A.TRAINER, "Trainer", private.trainer_list, ...)
- end
- --- Adds vendor acquire methods to a specific tradeskill.
- -- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeVendor
- -- @usage AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeVendor(39639, 18821, 18822)
- -- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe which acquire methods are being added to
- -- @param ... A listing of vendors that sell the recipe.
- -- @return None.
- function addon:AddRecipeVendor(spell_id, ...)
- GenericAddRecipeAcquire(spell_id, A.VENDOR, "Vendor", private.vendor_list, ...)
- end
- --- Adds limited supply vendor acquire methods to a specific tradeskill.
- -- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeLimitedVendor
- -- @usage AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeLimitedVendor(3449, 4878, 1)
- -- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe which acquire methods are being added to
- -- @param ... A listing of limited supply vendors that sell the recipe followed by the amount they sell.
- -- @return None.
- function addon:AddRecipeLimitedVendor(spell_id, ...)
- GenericAddRecipeAcquire(spell_id, A.VENDOR, "Limited Vendor", private.vendor_list, ...)
- end
- --- Adds world drop acquire methods to a specific tradeskill.
- -- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeWorldDrop
- -- @usage AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeWorldDrop(3450, "Kalimdor", "Eastern Kingdoms")
- -- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe which acquire methods are being added to
- -- @param ... A listing of the zones where the recipe drops from.
- -- @return None.
- function addon:AddRecipeWorldDrop(spell_id, ...)
- GenericAddRecipeAcquire(spell_id, A.WORLD_DROP, nil, nil, ...)
- end
- --- Adds quest reward acquire methods to a specific tradeskill.
- -- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeQuest
- -- @usage AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeQuest(66659, 14151)
- -- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe which acquire methods are being added to
- -- @param ... A listing of quests that reward the recipe.
- -- @return None.
- function addon:AddRecipeQuest(spell_id, ...)
- GenericAddRecipeAcquire(spell_id, A.QUEST, "Quest", private.quest_list, ...)
- end
- --- Adds achievement reward acquire methods to a specific tradeskill.
- -- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeAchievement
- -- @usage AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeAchievement(92688, 5024)
- -- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe which acquire methods are being added to
- -- @param ... A listing of achievments that reward the recipe.
- -- @return None.
- function addon:AddRecipeAchievement(spell_id, ...)
- GenericAddRecipeAcquire(spell_id, A.ACHIEVEMENT, "Achievement", nil, ...)
- end
- function addon:AddRecipeRetired(spell_id, ...)
- local retired_db = {
- [1] = "Retired in Wrath",
- [2] = "Retired in Cata",
- }
- GenericAddRecipeAcquire(spell_id, A.RETIRED, "Retired", retired_db, 1)
- end
- --- Adds custom acquire methods to a specific tradeskill.
- -- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeCustom
- -- @usage AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeCustom(12086, 48)
- -- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe which acquire methods are being added to
- -- @param ... A listing of custom entries for that recipe.
- -- @return None.
- function addon:AddRecipeCustom(spell_id, ...)
- GenericAddRecipeAcquire(spell_id, A.CUSTOM, "Custom", private.custom_list, ...)
- end
- --- Adds seasonal acquire methods to a specific tradeskill.
- -- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeSeason
- -- @usage AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeSeason(21143, 1)
- -- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe which acquire methods are being added to
- -- @param ... A listing of seasonal events where the recipe can be obtained.
- -- @return None.
- function addon:AddRecipeSeason(spell_id, ...)
- GenericAddRecipeAcquire(spell_id, A.SEASONAL, "Seasonal", private.seasonal_list, ...)
- end
- -- This function can NOT use GenericAddRecipeAcquire() - reputation vendors are more complicated than the other acquire types.
- --- Adds acquire methods to a specific tradeskill.
- -- @name AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeRepVendor
- -- @usage AckisRecipeList:AddRecipeRepVendor(28927, FAC.ALDOR, REP.HONORED, 19321)
- -- @param spell_id The [[http://www.wowpedia.org/SpellLink|Spell ID]] of the recipe which acquire methods are being added to
- -- @param faction_id Reputation faction used.
- -- @param rep_level Level of reputation required.
- -- @param ... A listing of vendors associated with that faction level.
- -- @return None.
- function addon:AddRecipeRepVendor(spell_id, faction_id, rep_level, ...)
- local num_vars = select('#', ...)
- local cur_var = 1
- local recipe = private.recipe_list[spell_id]
- local vendor_list = private.vendor_list
- local acquire_data = recipe.acquire_data
- acquire_data[A.REPUTATION] = acquire_data[A.REPUTATION] or {}
- local acquire = acquire_data[A.REPUTATION]
- acquire[faction_id] = acquire[faction_id] or {}
- local faction = acquire[faction_id]
- faction[rep_level] = faction[rep_level] or {}
- while cur_var <= num_vars do
- local location, affiliation
- local vendor_id = select(cur_var, ...)
- cur_var = cur_var + 1
- if not private.reputation_list[faction_id] then
- --@alpha@
- self:Printf("Spell ID %d: Faction ID %d does not exist in the database.", spell_id, faction_id)
- --@end-alpha@
- else
- if not vendor_id then
- --@alpha@
- self:Print("Spell ID "..spell_id..": Reputation Vendor ID is nil.")
- --@end-alpha@
- elseif not vendor_list[vendor_id] then
- --@alpha@
- self:Print("Spell ID "..spell_id..": Reputation Vendor ID "..vendor_id.." does not exist in the database.")
- --@end-alpha@
- else
- faction[rep_level][vendor_id] = true
- local rep_vendor = vendor_list[vendor_id]
- affiliation = rep_vendor.faction
- location = rep_vendor.location
- rep_vendor.item_list = rep_vendor.item_list or {}
- rep_vendor.item_list[spell_id] = true
- end
- end
- acquire_list[A.REPUTATION] = acquire_list[A.REPUTATION] or {}
- acquire_list[A.REPUTATION].recipes = acquire_list[A.REPUTATION].recipes or {}
- acquire_list[A.REPUTATION].name = private.acquire_names[A.REPUTATION]
- acquire_list[A.REPUTATION].recipes[spell_id] = affiliation or true
- if location then
- location_list[location] = location_list[location] or {}
- location_list[location].recipes = location_list[location].recipes or {}
- location_list[location].name = location
- location_list[location].recipes[spell_id] = affiliation or true
- end
- end
- end
-end -- do block
[1] = BFAC["Neutral"],